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  1. C

    The Nazi's socialist?

    No um as some one who had to work with socialists in academia, and some one who worked at a del taco that socialists liked to eat at Dirtbag is actually a bog standard socialist and is actually polite by their standards.
  2. C

    The Nazi's socialist?

    who the hell still uses the term Octoroon? Litterally no one here care's who your great grandparents were, this website is composed of people from all walks of life, it has gay people, strait people, bisexuals. We have people of all races, religions and nationality. You stand or fall on this...
  3. C

    The Nazi's socialist?

    ok doing the math on all of the people D-bag says needs to go. In the united states 70.6% of the population is christian, 1.9% jewish, .09% muslum, .07% hindu, .07% buddist 22.8% of the population is unafilated these are the people who get to live in D-bags america. so that puts his body...
  4. C

    The Nazi's socialist?

    Sixth there is no possible way I can top that.... I'm officially just a little afraid of you.
  5. C

    The Nazi's socialist?

    If an idea is tried over a period of a 100 year in multiple countries, multiple continants and keeps having consistently bad results that result in mass starvation poverity and death then its time to admit that maybe its a bad idea.
  6. C

    The Nazi's socialist?

    wanting to take other peoples money with out compensation (generous) Wanting to keep the money you earned (selfish) You can see why I tend to view socialism as an anti morality.
  7. C

    The Nazi's socialist?

    Pretty much every one here hates national socialists we just disagree about what made them murderous psychopaths the nationalism or the socialsm? My money is on the socialsm.