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  1. C

    Trump Post Election News.

    its honestly not something you do at this stage of the wests civilizational history, but in time you could see things like the magna carta, us consitution and other important documents put in the very back of the bible as a way of showing that the new empire is a continuation of the biblical...
  2. C

    Trump Post Election News.

    New york state like a lot of states has a lot of debt and decades no generations of bad decisions means their pretty much functionally broke. So to the left seizing his assets and selling them to cover the short fall makes sense, and then of course going after any other real or precieved...
  3. C

    Trump Post Election News.

    Your day in the sun hasn't even come close to arriving, this is the very bleeding edge of historical movement.
  4. C

    Trump Post Election News.

    At this point Id much rather we go on the offensive and give those assholes a taste of their own medicine.
  5. C

    Trump Post Election News.

    The Grachi brothers were both chances for the establishment to survive but not reconized as such during the era. The establishment wept for the days of Grachi when Ceasar came.
  6. C

    Trump Post Election News.

    I don't think they do, and this stuff is already starting to piss people off badly.
  7. C

    Trump Post Election News.

    While I honestly hope your right. I see them in the long term being just plain fucked, weather their incompetence and dickishness blows up in their face faster is hard to say but we both agree the current managerial elite wont run things forever.
  8. C

    Trump Post Election News.

    I really don't see it that way, in the long term these guys are fucked, everything they do to others will be visited upon them condensed into a much shorter time frame. The people will have their vengence.
  9. C

    Trump Post Election News.

    No they dont and its sad that its going to take decades before they get their just deserts.
  10. C

    Trump Post Election News.

    Pride does come before the fall doesn't it.
  11. C

    Trump Post Election News.

    The easy investment money is strutcurally gone, because of demographics that means no free money to try out crazy stupid shit. And there have been plenty of company who made that kind of money who went under because its more complicated then just I make dollar bills yall. Its also about your...
  12. C

    Trump Post Election News.

    agreed to that, like I said there is zero apatite for another military adventure right now.
  13. C

    Trump Post Election News.

    As much as that sounds nice. Were no were near the later, people just haven't hit that rage point quite yet. How long will it take? I don't know, I mean seriously a lot of the stuff that is currently going on would have a few generations ago been long since dealt with by an angry mob with rope.
  14. C

    Trump Post Election News.

    [ Barcle there is a very clear limit of how much the american people are willing to sacerfice for other countries. Yes Russians are assholes this is well known, and has been well known for awhile, american's are willing to give intel, their willing to give weapons and to a degree their...
  15. C

    Trump Post Election News.

    he is correct about the american people becoming more isolationist though. The 20 years spent in the sandbox pretty much soured peoples opinions against adventures in the outside world.
  16. C

    Trump Post Election News.

    I wouldn't go that far, I live in Cali and have seen a lot of people here who are tried of cleaning up europes messes, their just not quite as there as his neck of the woods.
  17. C

    Trump Post Election News.

    Some times you have to adapt
  18. C

    Trump Post Election News.

    I think were in for a really rough time, buddy but our grandchildren will have great lives.
  19. C

    Trump Post Election News.

    I think were all going to have much bigger problems soon, as in I am legit surprised things are not more shit then they already are soon.
  20. C

    Trump Post Election News.

    my prediction for this christmas.