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  1. C

    America First Caucus Founded

    It will happen even if they do because the revolution is always hungry for class enemies to devour and no matter what you do they will come for you.
  2. C

    America First Caucus Founded

    Hispanics are going to wake up one day and find out their now white. Its already starting to happen.
  3. C

    America First Caucus Founded

    they also just spent a summer watching the left close down their churches while letting the strip clubs remain open, watched as anarchists attacked their neighborhoods, watched their churches get defiled, and had their religious authorities attacked. That tends to speed up the process a bit.
  4. C

    America First Caucus Founded

    Same thing was true for the Irish, the Italians, and a lot of ethnic groups. It often takes people a while to see what the left looks like with out their mask on. That moment is coming for the hispanic community. In fact it has already started, it takes awhile for people to see that the 'free'...
  5. C

    America First Caucus Founded

    That only works when you have a balanced media that at least tries to be objective. The media has proven through its colusion last year that they do not give a shit about objectivity and are partizen shills. At this moment you need people who fight even if their assholes.
  6. C

    America First Caucus Founded

    As a jew I've gotten a lot more shit from socialists, and hard leftists for my religion then from the right. I've lived in trailer parks and the people who live their are a lot more tolerant then people give them credit for.