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  1. C

    The Americas 🇨🇱 The Republic of Chile Megathread

    good, any time leftists want to change something fundamental its always for nefarious purposes see Vensuela for an example.
  2. C

    The Americas 🇨🇱 The Republic of Chile Megathread

    wont be just them every ones fucked with bad leadership right now.
  3. C

    The Americas 🇨🇱 The Republic of Chile Megathread

    They finally realized oh shit these guys are insane. When this process peters out Pinochet will be treated with a lot more respect in Chile.
  4. C

    The Americas 🇨🇱 The Republic of Chile Megathread

    Why does everyone have to learn shit the hard way
  5. C

    The Americas 🇨🇱 The Republic of Chile Megathread

    The man did step down peacefully when he lost an election how many communists would do the same? I think Pinochet will be judged with by new eyes once this all blows up.
  6. C

    The Americas 🇨🇱 The Republic of Chile Megathread

    Pinochete was summoned for less.
  7. C

    The Americas 🇨🇱 The Republic of Chile Megathread

    yeah the last time a leftist tried to change the consitution and install a technocratic government it didn't end well for the left. On the plus side free helecopter rides!.
  8. C

    The Americas 🇨🇱 The Republic of Chile Megathread

    I don't think I'm allowed to lecture the people of Chile on this, our leadership is if anything even worse.
  9. C

    The Americas 🇨🇱 The Republic of Chile Megathread

    its really frustrating that every one seems to have to learn things the fucking hard way.
  10. C

    The Americas 🇨🇱 The Republic of Chile Megathread

    my prediction is after this all ends in tears and chile has to rebuild its everything Pinochet will be seen with a lot more respect and reverance.