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  1. C

    MGTOW, Minimalism, dating and the Establishment reaction.

    It wont work. Quite simply put the problems their creating keep getting worse. People are lonely unhappy, tired and broke and look around and see their standard of living getting worse, and even if your in the higher brackets your chances of having a meaningful relationship are being damaged by...
  2. C

    MGTOW, Minimalism, dating and the Establishment reaction.

    This is an establishment that will not be missed.
  3. C

    MGTOW, Minimalism, dating and the Establishment reaction.

    Women don't wear make up to compete for men mate, they do it to style over other women.
  4. C

    MGTOW, Minimalism, dating and the Establishment reaction.

    A lot of the women are not that worse off looks wise
  5. C

    MGTOW, Minimalism, dating and the Establishment reaction.

    Men will likely have some other name for their sexbot when it happens companion bot, or waifu bot or just wife.
  6. C

    MGTOW, Minimalism, dating and the Establishment reaction.

    or people just make it so sex robots are capable of producing off spring.
  7. C

    MGTOW, Minimalism, dating and the Establishment reaction.

    The central problem is that we need to get the government out of peoples relationships period. Get rid of Alimony get rid of child support if you have custody then your fincially responsible for the child in question, do a one time devision of assets after the divorce. The central problem of...
  8. C

    MGTOW, Minimalism, dating and the Establishment reaction.

    I just outlined what the problem is and how to fix it. The solution actually requires less resources then what we as a society are paying now and requires less effort because all the government has to do is nothing. I get there are good woman out there but I kind of prioritize unfucking our...
  9. C

    MGTOW, Minimalism, dating and the Establishment reaction.

    Its not the women its the incentive structure, our current legal and cultural frame work encourages women to act badly. When their small children their treated like princesses, through out their scholastic years their given preferential treatment while being told their 'opressed' then they get...
  10. C

    MGTOW, Minimalism, dating and the Establishment reaction.

    Reward people for good behavior and you will get more or it. Punish them for good behavior and you will get less of it. If the incentive structure is broken then your going to get sub optimal results.
  11. C

    MGTOW, Minimalism, dating and the Establishment reaction.

    Moral standards were created In the first place because they do work. The problem is society isn't punishing the bad actors so you get sub optimal results.
  12. C

    MGTOW, Minimalism, dating and the Establishment reaction.

    It's actually the silver rule treat others as they treat you. And it's the natural result of people cheating the system and an effective tactic in game theory. The golden rule works in functional societys in disfunctional societys you go with silver. In a completely toxic one it's do onto...
  13. C

    MGTOW, Minimalism, dating and the Establishment reaction.

    There are two matting strategy's dads and cads when you punish the dad's you get more cads.
  14. C

    MGTOW, Minimalism, dating and the Establishment reaction.

    I honestly think a lot of the way of which our society currently works is just unsustainable and that society is hitting that breaking point.
  15. C

    MGTOW, Minimalism, dating and the Establishment reaction.

    Trust is one of those things that has to be earned. Blindly trusting people will fuck your life over.
  16. C

    MGTOW, Minimalism, dating and the Establishment reaction.

    Looking around. Its going to be different for each country. The middle east will probally triple down on islam. If I was a betting man Id say the west would see a resurgence of christianity as a reaction to all of the current bullshit. India will of course be hindu and there will be anti...
  17. C

    MGTOW, Minimalism, dating and the Establishment reaction.

    A whole lot of people are going to get real religious real soon.
  18. C

    MGTOW, Minimalism, dating and the Establishment reaction.

    Personally I don't like the true conservative line of thinking. Were all going to be lined up and shot against the same wall so we should be a little bit more open minded on things.
  19. C

    MGTOW, Minimalism, dating and the Establishment reaction.

    after seeing a few friends get absolutely wreaked in divorce court this is a rational fear. The problem at the end of the day is not women, its not men its the state interjecting themselves into something they have no business being in.