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  1. Circle of Willis

    WI: Treaty of Sèvres enforced (AKA the Great Turkey Roast of 1920)

    My thinking is that Georgia complements Armenia supremely well as the other half/third of the 'Great Anti-Soviet Wall of Caucasian states'. Giga-Armenia might look more impressive on a map, but I can't imagine it would be a very stable or economically prosperous country, while Georgia is the...
  2. Circle of Willis

    WI: Treaty of Sèvres enforced (AKA the Great Turkey Roast of 1920)

    Interesting stuff across the board, and which I don't have any disagreements with. Regarding Georgia, and to build off what @PsihoKekec said as well, I do think there's a chance - a great chance even - that a strong Western-backed Armenia means that that first Georgian republic might survive as...
  3. Circle of Willis

    WI: Treaty of Sèvres enforced (AKA the Great Turkey Roast of 1920)

    I imagine that would be the main purpose to its existence. A Wilsonian Armenia is a big enough Armenia that it's worthwhile for the Entente to prop it up, and in turn it would need the Entente in order to not die between the vengeful Turks (no doubt including the many Turks they'd be driving out...
  4. Circle of Willis

    WI: Treaty of Sèvres enforced (AKA the Great Turkey Roast of 1920)

    The Treaty of Sèvres between the Entente Powers and the Ottoman Empire at the end of the latter's lifespan would have crippled and dismembered Turkey: carving out a demilitarized and internationalized 'Zone of the Straits' including Constantinople/Istanbul (though it seems it was British dudes...