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  1. C

    Ryan Coogler is developing a reboot of ‘THE X-FILES’ with a "new diverse cast"

    Harking back to Mulder, I'm pretty sure that they would have to enlarge the core team since nobody in their right mind would place a young attractive woman together with a horndog like Mulder into a basement closet in the Me2-era...
  2. C

    Ryan Coogler is developing a reboot of ‘THE X-FILES’ with a "new diverse cast"

    MGTOW would be better for writing some backstory for the character. Burned by divorce, repeatedly cheated on. etc. Someone who goes mostly monk to concentrate on his job.
  3. C

    Ryan Coogler is developing a reboot of ‘THE X-FILES’ with a "new diverse cast"

    So they're going to make either Mulder or Scully black and/or gay. Maybe add some "non-binary" crap in there, too, since we obviously have to make the leading duo as non-representative of the general population as possible. They're definately going to make Skinner a woman, because, well, "Deputy...