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  1. DarthOne

    Funny Meme Video thread- The one for moving pictures

    "The dogmas of the quiet past are inadequate to the stormy present. The occasion is piled high with difficulty and we must rise with the occasion. As our case is new, we must think anew and act anew. We must disenthrall ourselves, and then we shall save our country." ― Abraham Lincoln
  2. DarthOne

    Funny Meme Video thread- The one for moving pictures

    Shame we don't have more people like him now.
  3. DarthOne

    Funny Meme Video thread- The one for moving pictures

    That would have been 2 years before I was born.
  4. DarthOne

    Funny Meme Video thread- The one for moving pictures

    I was a year out of high school then.
  5. DarthOne

    Funny Meme Video thread- The one for moving pictures

    Seems like a life time ago on a different planet.
  6. DarthOne

    Funny Meme Video thread- The one for moving pictures

    On the subject of utterly cursed gun-shaped things... Jonathan Ferguson dying on the inside The original video:
  7. DarthOne

    Funny Meme Video thread- The one for moving pictures

    I see your Inspector Gadget and raise you a Monty Python.
  8. DarthOne

    Funny Meme Video thread- The one for moving pictures

    Mr Krabs sings Ain't I Right (Ai Cover)
  9. DarthOne

    Funny Meme Video thread- The one for moving pictures

    Mr Krabs - Mi General Augusto Pinochet (Ai Cover)
  10. DarthOne

    Funny Meme Video thread- The one for moving pictures

    Not sure if it qualifies as a meme, but it did get a chuckle out of me.