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  1. DocSolarisReich

    United States Minnesota; Man, George Floyd, dies during arrest, cause being a cop kneeling on his neck

    They might bungle the trial on purpose if they decide they want the riots.
  2. DocSolarisReich

    United States Minnesota; Man, George Floyd, dies during arrest, cause being a cop kneeling on his neck

    What other political views? That people who resist arrest should be coerced?
  3. DocSolarisReich

    United States Minnesota; Man, George Floyd, dies during arrest, cause being a cop kneeling on his neck

    Right up until they get the orders to do unto you. Then the paycheck wins. They're not even wrong. They took the salt, now they have to coerce who the Lord says to coerce. Our problem is with the Lords not their men.
  4. DocSolarisReich

    United States Minnesota; Man, George Floyd, dies during arrest, cause being a cop kneeling on his neck

    Most likely we never hear about it and life goes on. That's not the point. Are we saying the drugged up black folks have some sort of right not be arrested or detained if they don't feel like cooperating that day?
  5. DocSolarisReich

    United States Minnesota; Man, George Floyd, dies during arrest, cause being a cop kneeling on his neck

    Oh absolutely, make 'friends' with the gang with the badges, be useful to them even. But never confuse mutual utility for comradeship.
  6. DocSolarisReich

    United States Minnesota; Man, George Floyd, dies during arrest, cause being a cop kneeling on his neck

    I know a guy in corrections who think the move itself is inherently flawed because there are better ways that are less likely to result in stress asphyxia when combined with a resister on downers or with a bad ticker. But he's a specialist in physical coercion. Who knows when the last time...
  7. DocSolarisReich

    United States Minnesota; Man, George Floyd, dies during arrest, cause being a cop kneeling on his neck

    Exactly. Cops are mercenaries who enforce the system. They are not your friends. But this doesn't mean that they aren't sometimes just doing the right thing for the wrong reasons and then get thrown to the wolves by their disloyal paymasters as a human sacrifice to the mob.
  8. DocSolarisReich

    United States Minnesota; Man, George Floyd, dies during arrest, cause being a cop kneeling on his neck

    He didn't just 'have drugs in his system' he had a lethal overdose.
  9. DocSolarisReich

    United States Minnesota; Man, George Floyd, dies during arrest, cause being a cop kneeling on his neck

    You mean overdosing on fentanyl is bad for you? Who could have known?