Search results for query: *

  1. Emperor Tippy

    All Bridges are Gone

    The rural areas are the majority of the land in the US, they aren't even close to the majority of the population. And no, most of them aren't sitting on weeks to months of food. They are also worse off in many cases in terms of travel than those in the urban and suburban areas because of how...
  2. Emperor Tippy

    All Bridges are Gone

    Does not even begin to approach the amount actually needed. You would need to helicopter in the equipment to build the emergency runways to land the planes next to the distribution centers, and then you need yet more helicopters to transport the good from the airport to the local distribution...
  3. Emperor Tippy

    All Bridges are Gone

    A year's time is about 360 days too long to wait. With all the bridges suddenly gone there is basically no grocery store in the nation that can actually be reached by road from the warehouses and going from the farms to the processing plants to the distribution centers is even worse. Between...
  4. Emperor Tippy

    All Bridges are Gone

    The most insidious catch is to have no catch at all. Humans being what we are, we will always search for the catch and become ever more paranoid and convinced it is there when we can't find it. ROB imposed perfect utopia will never succeed without changing humanity or large scale mind control...
  5. Emperor Tippy

    All Bridges are Gone

    Because conflict brings out the truth in people far more than utopia can ever manage.
  6. Emperor Tippy

    All Bridges are Gone

    You are drastically underestimating the damage. Being blunt, the instant removal of all the world's bridges would make COVID look like the common cold. For example, every highway in the world (and every road outside of, maybe, a purely local area) becomes impassible. Every train line ceases to...