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  1. Eparkhos

    Alternate History No 1204: the Rule of Nikolaos Kanabos

    Thoughts on either of those? I will say, I'm not too confident on the second one, it feels too wordy but also too rushed and not the most realistic. Still, I wrote it, so I figured I might as well post it. Should I rewrite it?
  2. Eparkhos

    Alternate History No 1204: the Rule of Nikolaos Kanabos
    Threadmarks: II

    II. News of Nikolaos’ ascension was received poorly in the Crusader camp. While besieging the capital of another Christian state was…less than optimal, most of the Crusaders genuinely believed that the Byzantines owed them and they were simply waiting to receive what they deserved. They’d...
  3. Eparkhos

    Alternate History No 1204: the Rule of Nikolaos Kanabos

    I. Nikolaos I is unique among Byzantine usurpers in that he had no interest in either the throne or power, both of which were thrust upon him entirely against his will; perhaps that is why he was a good emperor. By the dawn of the 13th century, the Byzantine Empire was in...