1. Floridaman

    Russia(gate/bot) At what rate is NATO planning to invite in Ukraine? If NATO doesn't know, why is negotiating away a neutrality agreement a non-starter?

    Well that and a propoganda war is 5th gen warfare, the idea being control the information you control the reality. which the west seems to have gone all in on. The problem is as Goebells could tell you at the end even the best propoganda can’t actually win you a war, you actually need to meet...
  2. Floridaman

    Russia(gate/bot) At what rate is NATO planning to invite in Ukraine? If NATO doesn't know, why is negotiating away a neutrality agreement a non-starter?

    Ehh fortunately I have seen the opposite, with inflation being as bad as it is, apart from the official word of corporations, no one has been focused on Ukraine, more questioning how we are gonna get through the month.
  3. Floridaman

    Russia(gate/bot) At what rate is NATO planning to invite in Ukraine? If NATO doesn't know, why is negotiating away a neutrality agreement a non-starter?

    It can be, but given how many of their stories turned out to be wholesale fiction like the ghost of Kiev, it hasn’t been.