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  1. Hlaalu Agent

    Anime & Manga Berserk: It's like Anime but Good

    Indeed. Might not read Berserk, but the man was a legend.
  2. Hlaalu Agent

    Anime & Manga Berserk: It's like Anime but Good

    I can understand that, I can half remember many series that fit that description.
  3. Hlaalu Agent

    Anime & Manga Berserk: It's like Anime but Good

    I agree. You should try to use what tools you have available to make the best product that you can make.
  4. Hlaalu Agent

    Anime & Manga Berserk: It's like Anime but Good

    If this makes me old school, then so be it. But I vastly prefer traditional animation as per your description, though this is inclination of course.
  5. Hlaalu Agent

    Anime & Manga Berserk: It's like Anime but Good

    I mean in the style of hand-drawn, sorry. And Studio Ghibli is awesome.
  6. Hlaalu Agent

    Anime & Manga Berserk: It's like Anime but Good

    So generic fodder can get hand-drawn animation, but a classic that I'd actually want to see can't. Typical.