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  1. Husky_Khan

    Steven Crowder takes a stand against Conservative networks

    About twenty five minutes in its revealed Louder With Crowder as a company is actually pursuing a civil lawsuit against Hilary Crowder and her family for damages in the range of a million dollars (pertaining to the released Ring video allegedly) which is taking place at the same time as this...
  2. Husky_Khan

    Steven Crowder takes a stand against Conservative networks

    So Current Revolt has an article about the Divorce Hearing that took part back in September. Unfortunately it's behind a seven dollar paywall for most of the unpaying public. For fuller context... Since audio-visual recordings are illegal in Texas in this case, these is just from handwritten...
  3. Husky_Khan

    Steven Crowder takes a stand against Conservative networks

    Speaking of which... Feel free to submit questions for Gerald's Fantastic Easter Special! Some questions offered have already gained some popularity in the replies and quotes!
  4. Husky_Khan

    Steven Crowder takes a stand against Conservative networks

    Not shown footage publicly. Stevens lawyers had access to at least some of the Ring Video Surveillance as it was used to discredit the testimony of the families Nanny. The only reason the public knows about it is because somehow that alt right lass Pearl Davis of all people somehow played the...
  5. Husky_Khan

    Steven Crowder takes a stand against Conservative networks

    I think it's absolutely fascinating how much Lawfare costs and the advantages rich people have over poor people. Steven Crowder said his show is worth $30 million a year back during his Daily Wire kerfuffle. Hilary before being married to Steven had her own job as a Sales Manager for major...
  6. Husky_Khan

    Steven Crowder takes a stand against Conservative networks

    So I don't have a Ring Video Cam... but I have an Arlo one. To delete two thousand hours of Arlo Surveillance video means... first of all... I saved two thousand hours worth of Arlo Surveillance video likely within a month of it being taken. Then I went through... say... two to four thousand...
  7. Husky_Khan

    Steven Crowder takes a stand against Conservative networks

    Yes according to Crowder it appears "the woman still is dragging in all this fucking bullshit and Jesus fuck going after the dog too." Why does the ex-wife need PR when Steven Crowder is already doing PR for her? I agree it's bullshit that he has to pay for some of her legal fees. One of the...
  8. Husky_Khan

    Steven Crowder takes a stand against Conservative networks

    Huh... Wonder if that's one of the four lawyers that showed up in the trial segment last summer? hehe... 'louder with Crowder' I see what they did there...
  9. Husky_Khan

    Steven Crowder takes a stand against Conservative networks

    I'd just like to remind the Court that apparently Crowder owns the rights to the term "Not Gay Jared." Please refrain from using it here without his express written permission. :p
  10. Husky_Khan

    Steven Crowder takes a stand against Conservative networks

    What was the custody status of the kids in that offering?
  11. Husky_Khan

    Steven Crowder takes a stand against Conservative networks

    According to the Plaintiff she did that and everything else in the released documents from the Plaintiff. Just because it's in the Plaintiffs complaint AFAIK doesn't make it some sort of established fact I'm assuming (not a lawyer).
  12. Husky_Khan

    Steven Crowder takes a stand against Conservative networks

    Finally got to watch the video. He hasn't even been released from the NDA yet... but I remember hearing about it way back in January of 2023 and brought it up in the old Crowder-Daily Wire spat thread. How Crowder cannot be perceived as scummy and narcissistic now I have no idea. We've had the...
  13. Husky_Khan

    Steven Crowder takes a stand against Conservative networks

    The impressive thing to me about the Crowder situation is that lots of people in Conservative media knew about Crowders marriage troubles and how he slapped NDA's and legal intimidation on former employees and even at the height of that stupidly asinine #StopTheBigCon quarrel between Daily Wire...
  14. Husky_Khan

    Steven Crowder takes a stand against Conservative networks

    Candace Owens is definitely the weakest link of the Daily Wire bunch and tbh I think Crowder knows that too (and is why he singled her out whilst publicizing the divorce). And I don't think it's because she's "dumb" but because she's more unfiltered. I never watched much of her stuff but I saw...
  15. Husky_Khan

    Steven Crowder takes a stand against Conservative networks

    Yeah I never paid much attention to Crowder until that Daily Wire/Crowder thing dominated the news cycle (and had a long thread here) a few months ago and all I got from that was Crowder just seemed to be a really PR savvy and a little narcissistic (from his recording of personal phone calls...
  16. Husky_Khan

    Steven Crowder takes a stand against Conservative networks

    If what Yashar Ali's blog post says is true that his wifes lawyers didn't want any of this publicized and Steven made it public after over a year of convincing them to be quiet about it, then it's likely Steven's fault for bringing it into the public. As a public figure with a large platform, he...
  17. Husky_Khan

    Steven Crowder takes a stand against Conservative networks

    #StopTheBigCon It's like he's treating his talent like Wage Slaves or something. What about the next up and coming comedian who needs exposure and instead is trapped by these onerous contracts that the Employer doesn't even honor? :cry...
  18. Husky_Khan

    Steven Crowder takes a stand against Conservative networks

    A THREE HOUR PLUS Reaction video? It's like twice as long as Crowder's First Video and the Boring Response combined. 😭 *checks* OMG then he released another two hour video a day later! 😳😆 I thought his 60-90 minute response videos to random dudes who practice with nunchucks, small Facebook...
  19. Husky_Khan

    Steven Crowder takes a stand against Conservative networks

    Anyways I thought I posted this before but I couldn't find it. But the mention of ad reads made me giggle. But these videos made me lol seriously. These impressions are spot on. Especially Jordan Peterson's and that Yarmulke is a Hate Crime. :LOL:
  20. Husky_Khan

    Steven Crowder takes a stand against Conservative networks

    I talk about hypothetical PM's on a forum and you outed yourself. Don't blame me that you think you fell for some 'Gotcha.' I've repeatedly stated in this hypothetical that the only things in this PM that should be released is how Crowder or Project Veritas would do. Edited for content and in...