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  1. Husky_Khan

    Things get worse in The Southwest

    California Democrats including Governor-General Gavin Newsom want to fine retailers hundreds of dollars if they do not offer 'gender-neutral' toys. Tackling those pressing concerns...
  2. Husky_Khan

    Things get worse in The Southwest

    What the hell is this insanity?!?!?! Gas is over five dollars a gallon in California! 😲
  3. Husky_Khan

    Things get worse in The Southwest

    Thanks to Democratic policies, vacations to the Golden City of San Francisco are more affordable then ever!
  4. Husky_Khan

    Things get worse in The Southwest To be clear he seems to be comparing contemporary San Francisco to the current Taliban controlled Afghanistan, not the Soviet backed...
  5. Husky_Khan

    Things get worse in The Southwest

    America is a disease. California is the Cure.
  6. Husky_Khan

    Things get worse in The Southwest

    The Refugee Crisis in California mapped out. Include Californians in your prayers tonight. 🙏
  7. Husky_Khan

    Things get worse in The Southwest

    Larry the Cable Guy of all people being vicious af...
  8. Husky_Khan

    Things get worse in The Southwest

    A reporter shared a montage of pictures of how empty San Francisco streets are on a Weekday morning... with a final flurry of pictures taken three blocks away in the 'Tenderloin' where lots of homeless people are scurrying about. So naturally some Venture Capitalist who lives in the most...
  9. Husky_Khan

    Things get worse in The Southwest

    Man that is screwed up. If only there was someone in charge who could take responsibility for this mess... *Looks around like Gavin Newsome* Darn these criminals folx!
  10. Husky_Khan

    Things get worse in The Southwest

    Tiffany McHugh, the Director of Foothills Christian Church Preschool, has been stripped of her license and thus barring her from ever working with children again by the California Social Services Department after discovering she failed to encourage two year olds in their preschool to wear masks...
  11. Husky_Khan

    Things get worse in The Southwest

    Apparently ships have been parking off of the port since the Spring of 2020 but ever since last Fall, the number of ships waiting has reached record breaking levels with 88 ships waiting to enter the Port of Los Angeles stretched back forty miles to the point some vessels are simply drifitng due...
  12. Husky_Khan

    Things get worse in The Southwest

    San Francisco is the most childless city in the United States. Only 13% of its population is under the age of 18.
  13. Husky_Khan

    Things get worse in The Southwest

    Well that was quick. Twas Bullshit from the Commiefornia Secretary of State from the beginning it seems.
  14. Husky_Khan

    Things get worse in The Southwest

    "As a city we respect free speech but also have a duty to "call out" speech that does not reflect our city or values." - Anaheim, California Mayor Mike Lyster So brave to endorse the Joseph Goebbels level of freedom of speech. As long as the speech reflects our values...
  15. Husky_Khan

    Things get worse in The Southwest

    Romantic Los Angeles County has a cartel problem. For some unfathomable reason, despite legalizing it, there are apparently dozens of Cartel owned and operating illegal pot farms that exist in Southern California and they basically exist in plain sight. Since the start of the pandemic, over 500...
  16. Husky_Khan

    Things get worse in The Southwest

    Don't worry it's only a State Funded Travel Ban... so not as racist as your typical travel ban. This is in response to Florida, Montana, Arkansas, West Virginia and North Dakota passed laws limiting...
  17. Husky_Khan

    Things get worse in The Southwest

    Some small business scandals in California, all of it fomented by needless government meddling.
  18. Husky_Khan

    Things get worse in The Southwest

    Please... go on...