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  1. Husky_Khan

    The YouTubes Repository

    Just bumping this up anew... Two new YouTube channels I've found over the past several months. The first one I have to recommend is called Viking Samurai who is a martial artist that talks a lot about his affinity for Action Movies and Martial Arts films and especially 80's and 90's Action...
  2. Husky_Khan

    The YouTubes Repository

    Just to bump this Grab Bag of YouTube channels up... more Fictional Lore Channels I can recommend. Lore of the Ring: It Combines the Battle Analysis of Military Youtubers like Baz Battles with Fantasy Lore... specifically Lord of the Rings... and it's improved a lot over the months since its...
  3. Husky_Khan

    The YouTubes Repository

    Oh wow so she might have to pay his fees in addition to winning the court case. I didn't even realize he won the fair use case. It seemed far more chancy then the H3H3 case since Sargons video since it was just basically her video with Sargon laughing over her videotaped reaction IIRC. So it's...
  4. Husky_Khan

    The YouTubes Repository

    Here's some more channels I like: Atlas Pro is a 'Geography' channel at its core but it has a LOT of content to offer and a lot of it is interesting. Some of his most interesting videos are ones that detail the geographic origins of...
  5. Husky_Khan

    The YouTubes Repository

    I'd just like to mention Big Man Tyrone put up his British Citizenship ceremony on his channel. The guy does entertaining promo videos and even possesses a Kekistani uniform for some videos apparently.
  6. Husky_Khan

    The YouTubes Repository

    Some more recommendations from me: I heard about this Youtuber during PewDiePie's infamous "recommendations" video where he recommended thirty Youtubers including one who apparently had anti-Semitic themes on his channel... shocking...
  7. Husky_Khan

    The YouTubes Repository

    What do you all think of the channel, China Uncensored? It's the only one that really shows up in my Recommendations in regards to China focused content.
  8. Husky_Khan

    The YouTubes Repository

    A McDojo led by a McBadass. Hundred ways to attack the groin. I love that unrequited love between that shy bookish girl and the convict.... especially when learning the 'Thrust of Freedom.' :sneaky:
  9. Husky_Khan

    The YouTubes Repository Anyone check out this channel yet? It's 40K themed but I've only really seen his Versus vdeos and I also find his personality amusing as well. Plenty of off color humor. Can't speak to any of his terrain/painting tutorial videos.
  10. Husky_Khan

    The YouTubes Repository

    Here are two channels I've been randomly binging because they have been flooding my recommendation list... or perhaps vice versa... So far it's just a lot of opinionated analysis of starships... which is enough for me to love the...
  11. Husky_Khan

    The YouTubes Repository

    Gaming Channels: These channels are off the top of my head. I'm not a big fan of Gaming Channels when it comes to just regular Lets Plays... but I am when it comes to lore: IndyPride of MilkandCookiesTW does a lot of competitive multiplayer Total...