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  1. Husky_Khan

    Lord of the Rings The Tolkien Thread

    I don't know. His analysis on the Elves is certainly spot on. Preach it Brothers! Also the fact that Boromir is is favorite character in the Fellowship was a delightful revelation. Revealing stuff.
  2. Husky_Khan

    Lord of the Rings The Tolkien Thread

    Transcripts of Howard Zinn and Noam Chomsky's previously unused audio commentary on the Lord of the Rings "docudrama" series. Solid insightful commentary it seems. And there is intellectual disagreement between the two as well as you can readily see. Apparently it's using the superior...
  3. Husky_Khan

    Lord of the Rings The Tolkien Thread

    Sauron spotted in Iceland. Inevitable considering current events regarding the rebooting of the film franchise.
  4. Husky_Khan

    Lord of the Rings The Tolkien Thread

    Party At Tolkiens Place! No mention of fireworks.
  5. Husky_Khan

    Lord of the Rings The Tolkien Thread

    Thumbnail reminded me of something unrelated to Rings of Power. So this thread gets a bump. I gotta say the Mouth of Sauron was something that I was glad was just a deleted scene in the Peter Jackson movies. He was like a hint of what was to come in the Hobbit trilogy. When I read the bit...
  6. Husky_Khan

    Lord of the Rings The Tolkien Thread

    We got a potential release date for Lord of the Rings ONLINE... I mean on Prime. *coughs* September 2nd, 2022. AND THE FIRST IMAGE! Granted this was posted back in August, but since no one apparently mentioned it and its news to me, I'll consider it news for all of you as well. Here's a...
  7. Husky_Khan

    Lord of the Rings The Tolkien Thread

    I guess writing fanfiction about the real world is getting stale so might as well move into fantasy and make up Fake News.
  8. Husky_Khan

    Lord of the Rings The Tolkien Thread

    Oh man Lord of the Rings as a franchise keeps delving deeper into Wokism.
  9. Husky_Khan

    Lord of the Rings The Tolkien Thread

    Amazon's new Lord of the Rings series first season reportedly costs $465 million dollars to make. By comparison, a single season of Game of Thrones cost about $100 million per season and the combined production budget of the original Peter Jackson Lord of the Rings trilogy was a combined $280...
  10. Husky_Khan

    Lord of the Rings The Tolkien Thread

    So what your saying is Poland needs its own iconic Fantasy author to create a Mythology for the Polish Nation, like some sort of Polkien? I'll see myself out...
  11. Husky_Khan

    Lord of the Rings The Tolkien Thread

    I guess we don't have a thread to discuss Tolkien and his works and influence and other fandom related things yet so... here we go. And to start us off... what does His Dark Materials author Philip Pullman still think of Tolkien? 💩...