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  1. L

    To be “right-wing”... (in 9 points)

    I would ask why we in America should use foreign definitions. As opposed to defining politics based on our system. I see no reason to accept European definitions for anything.
  2. L

    To be “right-wing”... (in 9 points)

    Right so the entire thing Is retarded then? Socialismis either left or it's not what your describing. Is utterly ridiculous.
  3. L

    To be “right-wing”... (in 9 points)

    Why would Nazis fighting commies make them right wing? The socialists killed each other all the time and were all left wing. "Killed socialists" can't be the defining trait it its meaningless.
  4. L

    To be “right-wing”... (in 9 points)

    Fair enough doesn't change the fact that US politics aren't European politics. Which is where the Nazis were left/right wing thing comes from.
  5. L

    To be “right-wing”... (in 9 points)

    Part of the issue is Europe vs the US. Mist of Europe has broad agreement on a powerful far reaching state. Which is why both thier right(facism, monarchism etc.) and left(Communism). Both end up with heavily authratariqn goverments. Where as the US right wing is pretty anti government...