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  1. Lord Sovereign

    German News - Old News Today

    I think the problem for the Kaiserreich and its last Emperor is simply that it gets mixed up in the baggage of the Third Reich and its mad Fuhrer. Especially given that the Nazis didn’t mind using imperial iconography to their benefit.
  2. Lord Sovereign

    German News - Old News Today

    I think it’s more a case of the Great War mentally damaging Europe to the point where it involuntarily soils itself. The world that existed before 1914 was not a perfect place. But it didn’t deserve destruction. And for much of Europe it was certainly better than what came after it.
  3. Lord Sovereign

    German News - Old News Today

    German history in general is relatively depressing. From the Thirty Years War onward, that land hasn’t had much luck.
  4. Lord Sovereign

    German News - Old News Today

    Based and “Any German Republic is an illegitimate traitor state.” Heil Kaiser.
  5. Lord Sovereign

    German News - Old News Today

    The bloody Beer Hall Putsch was better put together and had more realistic goals than this.
  6. Lord Sovereign

    German News - Old News Today

    Not a Flak 88? And you call yourself a German... Edit: Ah, I jest. We all know what the perfect tool for home defence is in Germany.
  7. Lord Sovereign

    German News - Old News Today

    ...liberalism needs to have a fucking leash put on it.
  8. Lord Sovereign

    German News - Old News Today

    I don't think it's as easy as that. Much of the public simply want to get by without causing trouble, with only a minority of curtain twitchers actually wanting all this to be enforced. Unfortunately, a minority of tens of millions is hundreds of thousands, and that's all the manpower an...
  9. Lord Sovereign

    German News - Old News Today

    Well I can't say I like them very much either. Speaking of the triangle, where do you chaps think I fall on it? I personally think I sit more in the direction of stability.
  10. Lord Sovereign

    German News - Old News Today

    What the hell is going to be acceptable for these nuts? The double headed eagle of the Holy Roman Empire or do we have to go back further?
  11. Lord Sovereign

    German News - Old News Today

    If monarchists are as non-existent as Culsu says, then Nazis are even more immaterial. That aside, National Socialism despises monarchism.
  12. Lord Sovereign

    German News - Old News Today

    Why are imperial flags and iconography practically everywhere at a lot of these protests then? It certainly isn't the Natsocs repurposing the symbols of the Kaiserreich, that's for sure, so who's waving it all around?
  13. Lord Sovereign

    German News - Old News Today

    Given that there are a few Germans on here, and that the old imperial flag flies at a lot of patriotic German protests, what is the sentiment towards His Imperial and Royal Majesty (yes, I will use the correct title of the Emperor of the Germans, for he is your rightful monarch in some respects)...
  14. Lord Sovereign

    German News - Old News Today

    Bismarck, the father of the German nation. There are no depths to which these depraved Jacobins won't sink.
  15. Lord Sovereign

    German News - Old News Today

    Deserve? I doubt anyone deserves to have this inflicted upon them, especially when it's the result of our better nature being taken advantage of. I'm not sure it could have been foreseen just how farsighted and devoted to their cause the left would prove themselves to be.
  16. Lord Sovereign

    German News - Old News Today

    God be with you, Jerry. Your fatherland will need all its loyal sons and daughters when this is over. Like the rest of the Western World, you'll have much work to do.
  17. Lord Sovereign

    German News - Old News Today

    So, the Right is its own worst enemy once again? That's a real shame. Seems like "your guys" haven't actually shown up yet. Are there any parties in Germany who look up to the task of rescuing their fatherland? I must admit that the Right's inability to not fight among itself when party...
  18. Lord Sovereign

    German News - Old News Today

    This could be fortuitous, in some respects. The AFD are merely a percent or so off from polling equal or higher than the CDU and the other mainstream parties. As the German "centre" collapses and the German volk get a taste of real leftism in the Greens, the AFD could feast on the corpse of the...
  19. Lord Sovereign

    German News - Old News Today

    I forgot about him. How did that ruinous little pigsty of a nation produce such a positive force for humanity?
  20. Lord Sovereign

    German News - Old News Today

    Hmm. It was a wave, not a flood. Europe was most certainly shaken by it though. In the case of Nazi Germany it was not so much the war but how they waged it and what they did behind the lines that unleashed a tsunami of cultural self-doubt. Germany was meant to be one of the most developed and...