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  1. Lord Sovereign

    Mass Effect Mass Effect general thread

    So, a new teaser for whatever BioWare is working on next dropped yesterday. I have to say that I’m interested. If what I’m thinking they’re up to is correct, this looks like an almost “Wild West” like setting which would make perfect sense for a Post Reaper War Galaxy. It is in lawless chaos...
  2. Lord Sovereign

    Mass Effect Mass Effect general thread

    This will likely be controversial, but why is Citadel DLC so popular? I’ve never played it, but from seeing the sheer overload of cringe marvel humour in it, I never intend to. It doesn’t feel like a serious story at all.
  3. Lord Sovereign

    Mass Effect Mass Effect general thread

    They aimed for the sky then came crashing back down to Earth. It's why one must establish limitations in a creative project or else you'll go all over the place. As I understand it, one of their biggest slip ups was making the map too big. Too many placeholder planets, when they'd probably have...
  4. Lord Sovereign

    Mass Effect Mass Effect general thread

    As I understand it, Andromeda's development cycle was one hell of a mess. Hadn't the previous dev teams wasted a tremendous amount of time figuring out what sort of game they wanted to make, let alone complete it?
  5. Lord Sovereign

    Mass Effect Mass Effect general thread

    So, I'm playing through Mass Effect Andromeda (don't judge, it was about £1.50 in a second hand shop and I felt like it would be entertaining) and one thing I find curious about the Initiative higher ups and security detail, is that no one seems to be aware there's a secret option C...
  6. Lord Sovereign

    Mass Effect Mass Effect general thread

    I wouldn't say "slightly" as Spectres are wildly different in some aspects, indeed taking more of a leaf out of the Special Tasks Group's book at times. The Justicars are more warrior monks with a highly inflexible moral code, whilst Spectres are black ops/diplomats on steroids that operate...
  7. Lord Sovereign

    Mass Effect Mass Effect general thread

    Currently playing through Mass Effect 2, and I personally find the Council's denial of the Reapers to be a bit forced. I mean, I could certainly understand them playing it down whilst taking the threat deathly seriously in private, but "we have dismissed that claim" veers into for the sake of...
  8. Lord Sovereign

    Mass Effect Mass Effect general thread

    Mordin, in his heart, hated the genophage. He is brutally aware of the cultural scars it left the Krogan and regards it as a necessary evil at best. An evil that was only necessary because the Salarians stupidly (in his eyes) uplifted a race that simply wasn't ready for interstellar travel (he...
  9. Lord Sovereign

    Mass Effect Mass Effect general thread

    Oh's going to be like socialism isn't it? You know, "the stupid bloody idea that just won't fucking die off."
  10. Lord Sovereign

    Mass Effect Mass Effect general thread

    Speaking of TIM and the god awful ending he was involved with, no one still seriously defends ME3's endings right? The "Bioware doesn't owe you anything crowd" must have died off by now as their argument aged horribly over the course of the decade.
  11. Lord Sovereign

    Mass Effect Mass Effect general thread

    Pls no. Saren is a badass villain that would only have been dragged down by the Illusive Man (primarily because TIM just does not suit the role of "central villain." He's certainly a good antagonist at certain times but not as overall nemesis of the series. Harbinger would have worked much...
  12. Lord Sovereign

    Mass Effect Mass Effect general thread

    So, I've been looking into Mass Effect lore and character backstories a little more, and I find myself absolutely astonished that the Illusive Man not only got himself indoctrinated, but was obsessed with Reaper tech in the first place. He has seen first hand that it cannot be harnessed for the...
  13. Lord Sovereign

    Mass Effect Mass Effect general thread

    Wow. It looks like they've really made an effort with this one. I think I'm sold. A nice addition for my PS4 indeed.
  14. Lord Sovereign

    Mass Effect Mass Effect general thread

    I was actually quite surprised to find all that after conversing with her enough. Miranda has had it pretty shit and as a result has breathtaking self-esteem issues.
  15. Lord Sovereign

    Mass Effect Mass Effect general thread

    Fuck yeah, she was socially incompetent and sweet, but could make you explode with biotics. Perfect waifu material. That aside, it was a bit jarring. Going from wide eyed archaeologist to ruthless information broker is quite a leap...
  16. Lord Sovereign

    Mass Effect Mass Effect general thread

    In terms of story, absolutely. Gameplay is a bit clunky but that doesn't make it unplayable. I think in terms of characters, Mass Effect 2 has it beaten, but it's not by as much you'd first think. ME1 is the first appearance of Garrus and Wrex, after all.
  17. Lord Sovereign

    Mass Effect Mass Effect general thread

    Sounds like a much more chaotic galaxy than the one we knew in ME1. Doubtless, some Krogan Warlords are going to be setting up petty-kingdoms and empires with Wrex (temporarily) unable to keep them under control. Batarian slavers (what's left of them) are going to have a field day.
  18. Lord Sovereign

    Mass Effect Mass Effect general thread

    They could have actually squeezed themselves out quite nicely (disregarding the invention of fucking thanix cannons). The reason Sovereign was so devastating in the battle of the Citadel was not only down to its size and power, but because the Alliance had to close in so as to avoid inflicting...
  19. Lord Sovereign

    Mass Effect Mass Effect general thread

    I disagree actually. Reaper strategy is religiously devoted to isolating and destroying their targets. This is why their invasion would begin by seizing the Citadel and cutting off the Mass Relay routes. Then, it's simply a matter of picking the systems off one at a time (note how I'm ignoring...