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  1. Lord Sovereign

    Taiwan Straights Tension

    I think that’s precisely what’s going to happen, and it’ll go even more apocalyptically wrong for China than it did for Argentina. Not to mention Taiwan is a tad better defended than the Falklands were in the first place…
  2. Lord Sovereign

    Taiwan Straights Tension

    So then, how far off from War do you think we are? Because I’m reckoning it’s pretty damn close. China is getting more and more aggressive with each passing year, and Xi Jinping is a halfway unpopular (given that there were full blown protests a little while back, he is not as popular as he’d...
  3. Lord Sovereign

    Taiwan Straights Tension

    Oh. You're back.
  4. Lord Sovereign

    Taiwan Straights Tension

    China's preparing for something. One would hope the Pentagon has put the Pacific Fleet on stand by.
  5. Lord Sovereign

    Taiwan Straights Tension

    Based and “fuck the plebs” pilled. I’m proud of you.
  6. Lord Sovereign

    Taiwan Straights Tension

    Mostly because our halfwit politicians have outsourced our defence to you lot. Give me fifty years and an obedient Parliament, and things would be very different militarily speaking.
  7. Lord Sovereign

    Taiwan Straights Tension

    They didn’t just come from the Empire, they’re the most disappointing child out of an entire nursery of disappointment. Do we have to do “Pax Britannica” again, boys? Because so far we are not amused with Burgerland and its adventures.
  8. Lord Sovereign

    Taiwan Straights Tension

    Not to mock the USA for it but…America is profoundly bad at the game of empire, isn’t it? Indirectly it can play it half decently, but directly? Good grief.
  9. Lord Sovereign

    Taiwan Straights Tension

    The CCP is an unstable authoritarian regime. It launching a war of conquest to regain legitimacy is a certainty.
  10. Lord Sovereign

    Taiwan Straights Tension

    Yet another example of brain dead neoliberals realising what sort of monster they got into bed with. At least they're beginning to understand now.
  11. Lord Sovereign

    Taiwan Straights Tension

    The US Pacific Fleet alone would put the PLAN at the bottom of the sea. American naval supremacy is just that insurmountable in the early 21st century.
  12. Lord Sovereign

    Taiwan Straights Tension

    God willing. Given the sheer level of galaxy brain a totalitarian state can manage, I wouldn't put this past them. Edit: Also, the Chinese Navy does have a surprising amount of minesweepers. Hundreds of them are old and mothballed, but very much there. They have dozens of active ones too.
  13. Lord Sovereign

    Taiwan Straights Tension

    The positioning of their "exercises" clearly looks positioning for an attack on all fronts. China is an unstable regime that could do with a "good war" to take peoples's minds off things, and Biden has projected nothing but weakness to them. It's a shit show waiting to happen.
  14. Lord Sovereign

    Taiwan Straights Tension

    Shitting hell, they're actually going to do it aren't they?