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  1. LordsFire

    Copyright Discussion and Debate

    So, I watched the first video, started the second, but decided it wasn't worth my time. This is a classic case of 'just enough knowledge to be dangerous.' First off, he starts with some good examples of Copyright abuse. Adobe and the like copyrighting a digital tool that does a thing is...
  2. LordsFire

    Copyright Discussion and Debate

    This varies both by industry, and by means of distribution within it. Star Trek the Next Generation, for example, went 'direct to syndication,' which was seen as a huge risk when it came out, but was spectacularly successful. Also, movies make most of their box office income in the first month...
  3. LordsFire

    Copyright Discussion and Debate

    Speaking as a writer, I agree that it's reasonable for a franchise to become public domain after the death of the original creator. In a more reasonable legal environment, I'd be fine with a five or ten years follow-on thereafter, but we don't live in one, so a clear line really needs to be drawn.
  4. LordsFire

    Copyright Discussion and Debate

    See, and this is what I was looking for. This is the foundation of your entire argument, a naked assertion. You have asserted that ideas are discovered and received, not created, and then said 'other people believe this too' to try to back your position up. That's not an argument. The reason...
  5. LordsFire

    Copyright Discussion and Debate

    I've paid attention to your arguments. They're crap, and I've yet to see you effectively counter a single point made by anyone arguing with you. The thing is, you're so far down the rabbit hole, that you can't see the disconnect from your patterns of thought, and the thoughts of others. You're...
  6. LordsFire

    Copyright Discussion and Debate

    Well, I took the time to read through this whole post, even though there were some grossly flawed concepts right from the start. I don't know why you work so hard to include some lines of thought from your argumentation, and actively exclude others, but it's frustrating to deal with. You are...
  7. LordsFire

    Copyright Discussion and Debate

    'The Name of Love,' I have to point something out now: The more you argue, the less appealing you make your position. You have had specific points of evidence you raise repeatedly proven to support the opposite of your position, you're blatantly basing argument on 'this is how I personally...
  8. LordsFire

    Copyright Discussion and Debate

    This sounds more or less like my position on the whole mess. One of the biggest problems our system has is the inflation of legal costs and how often 'exhaust the other person's financial reserves' has become a way to 'win' in court. Part of the problem is that it's such a hard problem to...
  9. LordsFire

    Copyright Discussion and Debate

    ...You can't even keep who was making what arguments straight; I wasn't the one raising Disney as a point. Also, using a pejorative like that against someone who has never earned as much as 20 grand in a year in my life, and actively being unsympathetic to my position as a low-income content...
  10. LordsFire

    Copyright Discussion and Debate

    You make incredible assertions like this, and don't substantiate them in any way. You act like people have to use your ridiculous premises in order to argue with you, when it's statements like this that people are disagreeing with in the first place. Empirically measure? The USA is the engine...
  11. LordsFire

    Copyright Discussion and Debate

    ...What country do you live in? Because American conservatism, IE 'conserving the principles on which the nation was founded,' absolutely is not statist. Have you ever actually been involved in much creative production? The most basic form of copyright is automatic. As in, all it takes is...