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  1. LordsFire

    Fully Automated Socialist Meme Thread - The Ministry of Ideological Memes

    Under what conditions, and at what cost? In... I think the late 90's, someone made a solar-powered car that could go hundreds of kilometers. In the Australian outback, where you have tons of sun and very flat roads, and it could basically carry just one person and not much more. If it was that...
  2. LordsFire

    Fully Automated Socialist Meme Thread - The Ministry of Ideological Memes

    One of my great frustrations, is how I saw all this coming early last year. I told people, and warned people, but so very many of them, all that they saw was the fear of the Wu-Flu. And now it'll be years before all the negative consequences of these frivolous lockdowns are fully felt...
  3. LordsFire

    Fully Automated Socialist Meme Thread - The Ministry of Ideological Memes

    Who is this supposed to be?
  4. LordsFire

    Fully Automated Socialist Meme Thread - The Ministry of Ideological Memes

    It's representative of the fantasy on the left that all right-wingers are gun-nuts just waiting for the chance to shoot someone, and that the left is never ever violent no-sirree, they accomplish things through the ballot box!
  5. LordsFire

    Fully Automated Socialist Meme Thread - The Ministry of Ideological Memes

    Nope. It's a job requirement; naive idealist commies get sidelined or purged.
  6. LordsFire

    Fully Automated Socialist Meme Thread - The Ministry of Ideological Memes

    I agree. It fits in line with the usual Antifa/BLM/etc rhetoric, but it's way too on the nose to believe as a personally directed threat based on something literally anyone could have printed up.
  7. LordsFire

    Fully Automated Socialist Meme Thread - The Ministry of Ideological Memes

    I think he's supposed to represent an actual IRL person who lost their job.
  8. LordsFire

    Fully Automated Socialist Meme Thread - The Ministry of Ideological Memes

    Apparently, some of these young slacktivists are forgetting that Bernie is pretty doggone old, and eventually, age kills you. I'm kind of curious as to whether or not that post was made before RBG died.
  9. LordsFire

    Fully Automated Socialist Meme Thread - The Ministry of Ideological Memes

    Sowell hasn't been a communist since what, the 60's? By the 80's he was known for his well-researched and well-argued opposition to the rising leftist narratives.
  10. LordsFire

    Fully Automated Socialist Meme Thread - The Ministry of Ideological Memes

    Classic case of 'he's a well-known good guy, so clearly he agrees with my ideology.'
  11. LordsFire

    Fully Automated Socialist Meme Thread - The Ministry of Ideological Memes

    That's actually a surprisingly sophisticated concept expressed very effectively.
  12. LordsFire

    Fully Automated Socialist Meme Thread - The Ministry of Ideological Memes

    The left has always been authoritarian; it's just that since the end of the Bush presidency, they've come to hold a lot more actual authority.
  13. LordsFire

    Fully Automated Socialist Meme Thread - The Ministry of Ideological Memes

    Yes. But most of the BLM crowd are so ignorant of math/statistics and high on the propaganda, that they don't realize what they're posting.
  14. LordsFire

    Fully Automated Socialist Meme Thread - The Ministry of Ideological Memes

    A bit of leftists eating each other. 'Can't you see that your made-up gender is harmful to the non-binary community?' Basically: 'My gender is glittering unicorn!' 'Why can't you take our movement seriously?'
  15. LordsFire

    Fully Automated Socialist Meme Thread - The Ministry of Ideological Memes

    By consistently attributing crimes and criminals from the left to the right-wing? A few have been funny, yes, but mostly they're trying to hammer in the idea that some groups (particularly nazis) are right-wing, when they're actually hard left.
  16. LordsFire

    Fully Automated Socialist Meme Thread - The Ministry of Ideological Memes

    Given most of the stuff you've linked from there is blatant leftist propaganda, I'm hardly surprised.
  17. LordsFire

    Fully Automated Socialist Meme Thread - The Ministry of Ideological Memes

    This is actually pretty hilarious. The idea that Obama is anything short of hard-left...
  18. LordsFire

    Fully Automated Socialist Meme Thread - The Ministry of Ideological Memes

    It's also because it is actually a relevant threat to cultural supremacy. As recently as 40 years ago Christianity was still the dominant cultural force, though it was certainly in retreat.
  19. LordsFire

    Fully Automated Socialist Meme Thread - The Ministry of Ideological Memes

    I was involved in arguments about atheism vs religion and evolution vs creationism 20 years ago. Sure, Dawkins is very intelligent, but he was still wrong about basically everything. As I recall, e made his name 'defeating' graduates of theology schools in 'debates' about science they were...
  20. LordsFire

    Fully Automated Socialist Meme Thread - The Ministry of Ideological Memes

    A much more interesting take on the 'Political Compass thing.'