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  1. MelancholicMechanicus

    Media/Journalism Cringe Megathread - Hot off the Presses

    In a less political news but still somewhat political, Polygon has put out their review of the PS5. It stops halfway to talk about Covid, Trump and Biden, healthcare and global warming. Here is Cr1tikal desperatly trying to not cringe at it
  2. MelancholicMechanicus

    Media/Journalism Cringe Megathread - Hot off the Presses

    Remember the video of Antifa burning bibles in Portland? Well you don't. You fell for Russian propaganda. The New York Times is here to correct the record of your lying eyes. It was just one or two bibles, not a stack. So it's a lie from Moscow. Great to see NYT keeping...
  3. MelancholicMechanicus

    Media/Journalism Cringe Megathread - Hot off the Presses

    Yeah. Apparently these RAN clowns have been doing such a "good" job that even other hoity-toity types are now telling them to fuck off. This article explains it pretty well. They are pretty much horrible at their job, but great at saying buzzwords that make the politicians happy and giving the...
  4. MelancholicMechanicus

    Media/Journalism Cringe Megathread - Hot off the Presses

    The EU's official guide on "tackling Far-Right narratives" by the Radicalization Awareness Network. Get ready for some cringe. Notice how they paint wanting to be safe as "radical behavior". How they never address the elephant in the room that the girl was harassed in the first place. They...
  5. MelancholicMechanicus

    Media/Journalism Cringe Megathread - Hot off the Presses

    I made a thread the other day about how the left has gone into gaslighting as a tactic for their political battles, and fuck me does that show a great examples of the absurdity they have reached.
  6. MelancholicMechanicus

    Media/Journalism Cringe Megathread - Hot off the Presses Tolerant left everybody
  7. MelancholicMechanicus

    Media/Journalism Cringe Megathread - Hot off the Presses

    Can't spell cuck without UK.
  8. MelancholicMechanicus

    Media/Journalism Cringe Megathread - Hot off the Presses

    The absolute state of the media spin. They have completely infiltrated and subverted the mainstream media. Rotted from the inside out.
  9. MelancholicMechanicus

    Media/Journalism Cringe Megathread - Hot off the Presses

    Snopes does a "fact check" on the fact that there is a convicted communist terrorist on the BLM founding board by asking "what counts as terrorism really?"
  10. MelancholicMechanicus

    Media/Journalism Cringe Megathread - Hot off the Presses

    Sounds straight up like a Onion headline...
  11. MelancholicMechanicus

    Media/Journalism Cringe Megathread - Hot off the Presses

    Journalists: "No one wants to "Destroy America" that is a neo-nazi alt-right conspiracy theory" Also Journalists:
  12. MelancholicMechanicus

    Media/Journalism Cringe Megathread - Hot off the Presses

    Get ready for some amazing double think fellas They think this is a wining argument.