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  1. Poe

    "Woke" Franchises

    The last time the "left" was anti-government the words liberal and libertarian were synonyms and they were fighting against absolute monarchs. That was centuries ago and the modern left has no relation to these people
  2. Poe

    "Woke" Franchises

    That is not theosophy, nor is that poster correct about him "loving the antichrist." Steiner specifically left Theosophy, and formed his own alternative anthroposophy, because the theosophists blasphemed by claiming an indian kid was the reincarnation of Jesus Christ.
  3. Poe

    "Woke" Franchises

    ATP some has batshit takes, this isn't one of them. US Plutocrats have been the builders and funders of every single one of our great rivals for the past century at least, Nazi's, Soviets, hell they just did it again with China.
  4. Poe

    "Woke" Franchises

    That blackrock and vanguard used passive investing as a way to build up power and then push these idiotic policies on companies they otherwise would have no say in should be extremely criminal. They are passive investment funds and no one signed up for their money to be used as leverage for this.
  5. Poe

    "Woke" Franchises

    If that's wrong, who the hell wants to be right?
  6. Poe

    "Woke" Franchises

    It definitely is both sides, everything is a culture battle now days and every medium of size has an army of assholes on both sides wanting to win the battle for their side.
  7. Poe

    "Woke" Franchises

    Not necessarily botnets. There's that, but also astroturfing and just hivemindery. I was big in the Zelda community from the late 90s/early 2000s and it was a collection of forums, none of which were greater than a few thousand, and we just talked about games, fantasy and shit like that...