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  1. ProphetOfTruth

    Jordan Peterson or something whatever thread.

    Pretty sure if you're suggesting China is the Westernmost country with a patriarchal history, I should redirect you to the Questing & Roleplay section where you're welcome play your fantasy scenario out to your heart's content.
  2. ProphetOfTruth

    Jordan Peterson or something whatever thread.

    Still zipping around with that that goalpost, I see. With few exceptions, women were largely treated as subordinate at best and objects at worst. The fact that men often suffered historically as well due to miserable conditions (and more often than not from the decisions of other men, not...
  3. ProphetOfTruth

    Jordan Peterson or something whatever thread.

    Sure. But then that would broadly be examples of men oppressing other men, but you sure seem eager to move that goalpost.
  4. ProphetOfTruth

    Jordan Peterson or something whatever thread.

    Not on the scale that men have oppressed women and certainly not in "Western civilization" as we know it.
  5. ProphetOfTruth

    Jordan Peterson or something whatever thread.

    No. They're not mutually exclusive ideas. Men and women can have both been "oppressed by the miserable conditions of human existence" and men can have also oppressed women.
  6. ProphetOfTruth

    Jordan Peterson or something whatever thread.

    I definitely agree with you that Peterson is generally far more nuanced in his claims than his critics are willing to represent him. Apologies, not misogyny. Rather Peterson has claimed that he doesn't believe in the notion of historical oppression of women by men, claiming instead that all...
  7. ProphetOfTruth

    Jordan Peterson or something whatever thread.

    There was a time, not too long ago, that I was very (and perhaps toxically) enamored with Jordan Peterson. I've since pulled back significantly from him and the rest of the IDW from fear that it was creating an ethical, political, and philosophical echo chamber in my life. I also recall that...