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  1. S'task

    How do American Christians justify the American revolution?

    Of further note, there's also very sparce evidence for the existence of this goddess, with only one reference in historical texts and potentially related names being used elsewhere in old German areas. Also, anyone claiming anything related to the worship of this goddess is pure speculation...
  2. S'task

    How do American Christians justify the American revolution?

    This is completely false. There's absolutely no evidence of any link between these two. There's no linguistic connection between the Old German word that became Easter and the ancient Mesopotamian languages from where Ishtar originated, nor is there any real conceivable way for the word to...
  3. S'task

    How do American Christians justify the American revolution?

    Actually, that was the case for a lot of the early Christian martyrs. It wasn't the Romans at the forefront of the persecution, it was the Jewish authorities who went after them hard. For much the same reason they went after Christ. The new Christian faith threatened the Jewish religious...
  4. S'task

    How do American Christians justify the American revolution?

    Yeah, it's actually a really layered exchange that to often gets simplified down to "Jesus was telling people to pay their taxes" because the simple surface level reading is that. And in a sense, he was telling them that, Jesus quite clearly submitted himself to the government in the time and...
  5. S'task

    How do American Christians justify the American revolution?

    Adjacent to, at the time it was roughly the middle of the country North to South, and accessible by sea via the Chesapeake Bay and Potomac River. Other way around. Maryland is where the bulk of DC's territory came from, and the Virginia areas that were originally ceded to make the city were...
  6. S'task

    How do American Christians justify the American revolution?

    This is also true. Had Virginia really wanted, they could have justified rebelling against England back under Lord Protector Cromwell's reign, seeing how he and his Parliament passed laws that were meant to explicitly punish Virginia and Bermuda for the terrible act of... supporting the King in...
  7. S'task

    How do American Christians justify the American revolution?

    For the TL:DR version, England and Parliament were in violation of their own laws and the already existing charters that governed the American Colonies. As such, Rebellion against their rule could not be considered sinful as while even though Christians have been called to follow lawful...