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  1. S'task

    Breaking News Dems to SCOTUS - "Heal" or be "Restructred."

    That's not true. Look, I'm no fan of Ginsburg and look forward to the day she is no longer a justice (though I hope she resigns and lives for another decade or more rather than dying), but even she has spoken against court packing. Given that she's outright the most ideological of the justices...
  2. S'task

    Breaking News Dems to SCOTUS - "Heal" or be "Restructred."

    The overall jist of it is they want the USSC to rule in a specific way, "or else". Basically, the entire brief is about how the USSC is being seen in a more and more partisan light, how it's just terrible that interest groups spend money on pushing for or against USSC nominees (when it's by...