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  1. Sailor.X

    What If? What If Darth Vader is rescued by the Enterprise

    There is one faction that has been left out. The Bajorans. Information about the Prophets might peak Anakin's interest. He might take a trip to Bajor. And him being him literally get contacted by the Prophets. That could have some interesting Butterflies down the road indeed.
  2. Sailor.X

    What If? What If Darth Vader is rescued by the Enterprise

    In this scenario after Obi Wan Kenobi cuts off must of Anakin's limbs. And Anakin is frying like a slab of Bacon on the ground. He is suddenly beamed up to the sickbay on the Enterprise E. They were brought to the Mustafar System by Q. They still thought they were exploring a Planet in the Beta...