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  1. Scottty

    The Nazi's socialist?

    If I understand correctly, what happened was that the Antifa gang "deescalated" after learning the lesson that street violence stops being fun when their intended victims start fighting back. In a nutshell, this: Go home, little girl.
  2. Scottty

    The Nazi's socialist?

    Well, that part makes sense. Do your mean the workers as individuals would each own their place of employment? Or do you mean that everything would be "collectively owned" and decisions made by a committee? The distinction is an important one.
  3. Scottty

    The Nazi's socialist?

    To be fair to him, most people in the modern world don't know about those laws - which I'm not sure were ever actually put into practice the way the Torah specified.
  4. Scottty

    The Nazi's socialist?

    Which explains why the tankies would put people like him up against a wall as soon as they took over. But I was actually referring to how a "Libertarian Socialist" country would defend itself afterwards. Because even if they managed to kill all their own tankies, there'd be plenty more in other...
  5. Scottty

    The Nazi's socialist?

    More like we simply don't believe you when you say that it wouldn't be. Look, we've had a few people already coming here claiming to represent Anarcho-Communism, or Libertarian Socialism, or whatever you call it. I've noticed a thing, as have a few others: When asked for details on how their...
  6. Scottty

    The Nazi's socialist?

    Well I suppose it could mean someone who agreed with the Nazis on their answer to the "Jewish Question" - but not necessarily about everything else.
  7. Scottty

    The Nazi's socialist?

    @DirtbagLeft so basically, you are rejecting what we actually say, and putting things of your own imagination there instead? Where we want to discuss policies, and the logical and repeatedly observed outcomes of attempts to put certain ideologies into practice, you want to stick your fingers in...
  8. Scottty

    The Nazi's socialist?

    Reviewing this topic - let's take a step back and ask why this thread happened at all. The answer has to do with how some people on the Left seem to think, and how they confuse things that we know are different. First off, we all know that Hitler's National Socialism was not the same thing as...
  9. Scottty

    The Nazi's socialist?

    Who's "we" here? More relevant to the thread topic would be why should we consider Lenin's definition of Socialism to be the correct one, to the exclusion of all other definitions. Not all Socialists were Marxist at all, for example.
  10. Scottty

    The Nazi's socialist?

    I must have missed where you actually addressed that question to myself. The answer I think would be form 8000666b. Only once that document had been located and correctly filled in, (with the proper red ink of course) could they proceed to build Glorious Soicialism. Since they never could find...
  11. Scottty

    The Nazi's socialist?

    A relevant thing I saw posted somewhere else on the net (actually in a discussion about Communist China) One point of contention between Hitler and Stalin was over who was the best and truest socialist, so any definition of socialism that excludes Nazi Germany is necessarily taking the Soviet...
  12. Scottty

    The Nazi's socialist?

    There's not a lot to elaborate, but I might start a thread about it, rather than clutter this one. This is your response to my saying that life in a farming village is something that does change, with technology? I could have done into detail - a farming operation that once needed umpteen...
  13. Scottty

    The Nazi's socialist?

    People of the Angry Left show a recurring tendency to judge others by high standards, but to refuse to apply those standards to their own side. I have a pet theory: Alicia Rosenbaum (aka Ayn Rand) was a Soviet agent, and her mission was to help make Western free-market economies turn into...
  14. Scottty

    The Nazi's socialist?

    No Comrade, we must redistribute the gold and the oil. To describe it as their gold and oil is to affirm the idea of private ownership. Gold and oil should all be collectively owned by all of humanity! :cool:
  15. Scottty

    The Nazi's socialist?

    What about four houses down? What about on the other side of town? What about in another town a thousand km away? And what are you asking people to do about it? Inform the police? But what if they're corrupt as heck and won't give a hoot? Shall we form a vigilante group and go kill rapists...
  16. Scottty

    The Nazi's socialist?

    That seems to be an over-specific re-definition. In normal English usage, heathen is simply a catch-all term for all of the non-Abrahamic religions. Ditto the word pagan - from a Latin word meaning a country-dweller. Contextually, "pagan" came to mean something like "ignorant rural bumpkin who...
  17. Scottty

    The Nazi's socialist?

    Late to the debate, and I skipped to the end. This whole topic seems to be a matter of definition - whether what the Nazis actually said and did "makes them" Socialist or not. It all depends on how broadly or narrowly one defines the concept of "Socialism". There is a huge difference between...