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  1. Scottty

    Religion Creationism, Evolution and the Bible

    And that equates to "most religious views" in your mind? Secondly, no it doesn't. Dinosaurs were probably created on the 5th day.
  2. Scottty

    Religion Creationism, Evolution and the Bible

    As Bear Ribs points out, radiometric dating is based on some quite unsound premises - it assumes things that are often known to be simply not true. For example: the ratio of Carbon-14 to Carbon-12 in the Earth's atmosphere being constant. It isn't. The amount in parts-per-million of CO2 in the...
  3. Scottty

    Religion Creationism, Evolution and the Bible

    Making amino acids under laboratory conditions is more an example of intelligent design than of random chance, just saying. They set up the experiment to produce the results they wanted. As for the chances of life spontaneously happening at least once because big numbers, the point is that...
  4. Scottty

    Religion Creationism, Evolution and the Bible

    Which begs the question of exactly what "has happened". Life coming into being by Divine miracle, or life somehow self-assembling by itself? (Which would still be something happening in the universe God created and designed. Run away from the Watchmaker Argument, and you'll find the Anthropic...
  5. Scottty

    Religion Creationism, Evolution and the Bible

    It doesn't. They will hand-wave about "billions of years" and then change the subject to what-abouting at Young Earth Creationism. Ever since the Neo-Darwinian Synthesis came out, attempts have been made to quantify the whole thing mathematically, and the calculations have always lead to the...
  6. Scottty

    Religion Creationism, Evolution and the Bible

    There are animals living on Earth now that cannot exist in the same environment as other animals, that live on Earth now. But how about actually trying to deal with LF's arguments, rather than whatabouting?
  7. Scottty

    Religion Creationism, Evolution and the Bible

    I think I'm seeing a tendency in you to accept as unquestioned fact, things about the Earth's history that you merely read somewhere. Are you not aware that the story changes all the time? There have been different theories about the cause of the Great Dying, as you call it. (YEC view: the...
  8. Scottty

    Religion Creationism, Evolution and the Bible

    The problem with your "bugs" is that their respiration system would not work well enough with today's atmosphere. Agreed? Now where is your argument about the vertebrate lung system not working in the "Carboniferous" biome of the Pre-Flood world? There are fossil tetrapods found there with...
  9. Scottty

    Religion Creationism, Evolution and the Bible

    But they do both exist in different places in the world at the same time.
  10. Scottty

    Religion Creationism, Evolution and the Bible

    Dude... in this world today, we have a vast diversity of lifeforms that cannot, and do not, survive in the same environments. Bacteria for which atmospheric Oxygen is a poison, as an extreme example. A river frog cannot survive in the same body of water as a basket starfish, for example. The...
  11. Scottty

    Religion Creationism, Evolution and the Bible

    Yes of course I do. I'm not denying that fossils are the remains of real living things, the idea that God put them there to "test people's faith" is, and always has been, a strawman position. The idea that they represent a gradual progression from simple ancestral life to all complex life, on...
  12. Scottty

    Religion Creationism, Evolution and the Bible

    Ah yes - and if I got given money for every time someone talks as if the mere existence of fossils is somehow proof of "Evolution" - and all the problems with the mechanism of it can be waved away, because fossils... I could have that yacht, and it's crew, and a catering staff to serve...
  13. Scottty

    Religion Creationism, Evolution and the Bible

    And if a donation came in every time anyone claimed that bacteria becoming immune to some chemical under laboratory conditions was somehow proof that all living things had a single common ancestry... well, I could employ a crew for that yacht.
  14. Scottty

    Religion Creationism, Evolution and the Bible

    If I got some money every time someone used the "you just don't understand how evolution works" dodge, I could probably buy a nice yacht by now.
  15. Scottty

    Religion Creationism, Evolution and the Bible

    I'm not Lordsfire. But "science is wrong" sounds like a bastardization of his views. Science is not the same thing as Atheistic naturalism, regardless of attempts by atheists to make it so. On the one hand, what I see often on this sort of topic is the atheists using a motte-and-bailey. One...
  16. Scottty

    Religion Creationism, Evolution and the Bible

    That's rather a strawman concept of omniscience. When Christians describe God as all-knowing, we mean that He is aware of everything that ever happens in the universe He created, all of its contents, all events in it, being directly observable to Him. Not that He has a list of all of the prime...
  17. Scottty

    Religion Creationism, Evolution and the Bible

    "Science" as an abstract concept doesn't claim anything, but plenty of loudmouth Atheists do go around claiming that literally every question about the origin of living things has already been answered, that brewing up simple chemicals in a lab somehow proves that those chemicals could just pop...
  18. Scottty

    Religion Creationism, Evolution and the Bible

    In the absence of atmospheric Oxygen, ultraviolet light from the sun would react with water to split it into... Hydrogen and Oxygen! (As happens on Europa, btw. Thin O2 atmosphere on that moon, due to its surface being ice) So no Oxygen-free early Earth until photosynthesis comes along, as some...