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  1. S

    Mass Effect Mass Effect general thread

    An admittedly small side point, but it would have been nice to have a bit of dialogue where someone points out it would have been fucking nice to have THEIR OWN WARSHIPS, and someone actually says, "Yeah, but the Alliance banned us from having armed ships because we're a private organization...
  2. S

    Mass Effect Mass Effect general thread

    It's also that Bioware split their resources heavily to make Anthem at the same time, which was really sad because it meant they had *two* games that were conceptually pretty awesome, but half-baked.
  3. S

    Mass Effect Mass Effect general thread

    I really enjoyed the gameplay and graphics of Andromeda, but yes, the plot is very thin in places. Cora is too busy making sure everyone knows she's an Official Asari Commando Charity Case Mascot to bother asking relevant questions like, "Why the hell did my *mentor* decide to screw me over by...
  4. S

    Mass Effect Mass Effect general thread

    This is totally consistent with Cerberus' actions throughout ME1, where the side missions involving them can pretty much *all* be summed up, "Cerberus decided this super dangerous thing should be experimented with so we can control and weaponize it, EVERYTHING WENT WRONG." Seriously, Cerberus...
  5. S

    Mass Effect Mass Effect general thread

    Most of the geth-aligned Quarians were killed during the Morning War, since they were a small minority and the government used extreme force against them. The survivors continued to live in peace with the geth on Rannoch once the government-led anti-geth faction was driven off, but are implied...
  6. S

    Mass Effect Mass Effect general thread

    They're not censoring an aspect of her, they're *changing the camera angle* to not focus on her butt during a specific conversation. She's still hyper sexy when she's actually intending to be sexy.
  7. S

    Mass Effect Mass Effect general thread

    I agree with this entirely. Eliminating the gratuitous butt shots *in scenes where sexuality is inappropriate* is an entirely reasonable change. They're not changing her character model or toning down the actual sex scenes. Thane does not have any equivalent, "I'm opening up and trusting you...
  8. S

    Mass Effect Mass Effect general thread

    They would have had to pretty much rebuild it from scratch, and it's *not worth it* considering Pinnacle Station was a pretty crappy DLC anyway.
  9. S

    Mass Effect Mass Effect general thread

    Being able to fully level in a single playthrough makes a lot of sense for "first game in a franchise" as opposed to "new standalone game not leading a franchise yet". Also, removing class-based weapon restrictions makes sense for ME1 considering your player character literally carried all the...
  10. S

    Mass Effect Mass Effect general thread

    It's unclear whether the baldness was actually her choice. She was in cryo, and notice that her head tattoo is *very* different from the ones on her body which are color -- the head one looks like an elaborate product barcode.
  11. S

    Mass Effect Mass Effect general thread

    *shrugs* I find characters who are edgy for the sake of being edgy are annoying as hell, characters that are psychologically messed up are legit interesting when the story does a decent job of actually exploring it. I think ME2 cleared that bar nicely with Jack, especially seeing how much she...
  12. S

    Mass Effect Mass Effect general thread

    I think it makes sense given Jack's backstory. She'll basically have casual sex with pretty much anyone because it's fun, an actual relationship for her isn't about gender, it's about trust. Given how few people she's *ever* been able to trust, I can see her pretty aggressively latching onto...
  13. S

    Mass Effect Mass Effect general thread

    Not canon, but there's definitely porn of that. :eek:
  14. S

    Mass Effect Mass Effect general thread

    Yeah, that's because the producers told the game devs that same-sex romance options in ME2 were forbidden, except asari don't count.
  15. S

    Mass Effect Mass Effect general thread

    One thing I'd like to see in the reboot is for Jack to be a romance option regardless of player gender, which was how she was originally written. The game devs were forced to cut that by the producers for political reasons.