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  1. S

    "Woke" Franchises

    After he's done stacking the College of Cardinals and the modern successor of the Inquisition with his acolytes, and reforming the leadership election process to include women and lay people? Sorry, the Roman Catholic Church is hardly reassuring as the "one weapon we have" against Marxism.
  2. S

    "Woke" Franchises

    The Mass Effect trilogy certainly pushed progressive ideology at the time. Particularly in ME3, the inclusion of openly homosexual characters that the player could have a romance with was an expression of what we now call "woke" ideology. The remaster did some mild things in changing some...
  3. S

    "Woke" Franchises

    It means you've abandoned the sort of moral standard that would give you the basis to say that the ideologies in question are "utterly revulsive" in the first place. You can't even define wht exactly you find to be so bad. Your whinging about Doctor Who is ideologically incoherent, and the...
  4. S

    "Woke" Franchises

    Then you probably don't understand the real conflict with "woke" agendas.
  5. S

    "Woke" Franchises

    Thanks for the feedback. I truly appreciate it.
  6. S

    "Woke" Franchises

    "Malicious intent" of what? What part of "The Message" do you object to? The thing is, if you don't really seem to have much of a moral standard of your own, complaints of the show being "desecrated" are kind of meaningless, coming from you. You talk about their "warped agendas" but you don't...
  7. S

    "Woke" Franchises

    Sure. In that case, if you're really that concerned with the money being wasted, take it up with your MP. :p
  8. S

    "Woke" Franchises

    You didn't really answer my question, and you kind of just agreed that you have no principled moral objection. The "context" is really you just being annoyed at the way things are written and preferring it was done differently. That's not even worth getting mad about. Why not just get over it...
  9. S

    "Woke" Franchises

    So, basically, you didn't have any principled moral objection to the characterization of Bill, like you didn't have any principled moral objection to Jack. You don't have any real objection to the progressive agenda they're pushing. It's just a matter of you being annoyed at how "in your face"...
  10. S

    "Woke" Franchises

    Bill did mark the point where Who was now about social progressivism, in a way I found to be morally unacceptable (the lesbian part, not the black part). That's where I stopped following Who. But I wasn't really surprised by it. If you had told the writers ten years before that they would have a...
  11. S

    "Woke" Franchises

    And his character was written like that, and treated as acceptable, for the same reason as all the stuff that's been happening lately. It was to push a progressive social agenda.
  12. S

    "Woke" Franchises

    I can't speak for "classic Who", but progressivism has certainly been baked into Who since series 9. It was evident in things like Jack Harkness being implied to be bisexual, etc. People frustrated with how Who has been written lately maybe don't recognize how the seeds were always there. Davies...
  13. S

    "Woke" Franchises

    For BioWare pushing "wokeness" goes back to before ME3. There was the romance between female Shepard and Liara in ME1, and KOTOR even had a cut romance between female Revan and Juhani. It's no surprise that BioWare is woke, they're just getting woke-r in line with progressive politics. Anyways...
  14. S

    "Woke" Franchises

    I have no real investment in the He-man and the Masters of the Universe franchise. I'm actually more familiar with the 2002 reboot series, as that was on when I was a kid. It was cool, but never really one of my favorite things. That said, I can kind of understand the feeling of being...