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  1. The Whispering Monk

    Gun Political Issues Megathread. (Control for or Against?)

    More likely around 16 y/o.
  2. The Whispering Monk

    Gun Political Issues Megathread. (Control for or Against?)

    @evilchumlee I brought you here b/c this is the right place for that conversation. Welcome to the exact reason the Founding Fathers wrote the 2nd amendment for. They wanted to make sure that, if the USA ever became tyrannical, the people had means to overthrow the govt. It might feel backwards...
  3. The Whispering Monk

    Gun Political Issues Megathread. (Control for or Against?)

    That's exactly the point the founders were making when they enshrined gun ownership into the Constitution. It's the only way we have of defending ANY other right. You want free speech? How bout the right to assembly? What about your right to vote? All of that is dependent upon the government...
  4. The Whispering Monk

    Gun Political Issues Megathread. (Control for or Against?)

    I'm going to hop in a bit here. Why? I still haven't heard you state your case regarding this. Then you have been blessed. I agree that everyone carrying a gun is responsible for what they do with that firearm, and they should dedicate time to its use. Where we differ is that it should be a...
  5. The Whispering Monk

    Gun Political Issues Megathread. (Control for or Against?)

    If I can have a tank or my own fighter jet, I can have my own AA.
  6. The Whispering Monk

    Gun Political Issues Megathread. (Control for or Against?)

    @Yinko Nah, at this point I concede nothing to them.
  7. The Whispering Monk

    Gun Political Issues Megathread. (Control for or Against?)

    I want to see the idiot say that while being forced to go unarmed and unescorted through the rough parts of Commiefornia.
  8. The Whispering Monk

    Gun Political Issues Megathread. (Control for or Against?)

    Pretty sure it'll be MUCH quicker than that. B/c it's legislative action, any suits go straight to DC's circuit if not outright to the SCOTUS. I have to check on that to be sure.
  9. The Whispering Monk

    Gun Political Issues Megathread. (Control for or Against?)

    It will likely die in the Senate. May want to call your senators thought and make sure they know how you feel.
  10. The Whispering Monk

    Gun Political Issues Megathread. (Control for or Against?)

    It's the pacing of things and rhetoric that makes it feel to me as if they are moves of...well, panic and spite.
  11. The Whispering Monk

    Gun Political Issues Megathread. (Control for or Against?)

    They are going to ram as much through in the months ahead as they can. D's are hoping to get it all through before they loose power.
  12. The Whispering Monk

    Gun Political Issues Megathread. (Control for or Against?)

    Duh...Trudeau is who they want to be.
  13. The Whispering Monk

    Gun Political Issues Megathread. (Control for or Against?)

    Steady hands and trigger squeeze. Sadly, my eye sight is going a bit so not as good as I used to be.
  14. The Whispering Monk

    Gun Political Issues Megathread. (Control for or Against?)

    Freestanding with no brace...I'm about 3-4 in 10 on man-sized targets. With a brace, yes.
  15. The Whispering Monk

    Gun Political Issues Megathread. (Control for or Against?)

    I can do that at the range, but it's a hell of a task doing that with all the adrenaline flowing.
  16. The Whispering Monk

    Gun Political Issues Megathread. (Control for or Against?)

    Now THAT'S what I call gun control!
  17. The Whispering Monk

    Gun Political Issues Megathread. (Control for or Against?)

    Time to call FedEx along with ALL the companies you know and say you'd like to transfer your account.
  18. The Whispering Monk

    Gun Political Issues Megathread. (Control for or Against?)

    Yeah, that part is full of crap too.