1. TheRomanSlayer

    Commentary: The downfall: Tolkien’s warning against a corrupted empire and what the American right can learn from it

    I kinda get the feeling that the douche called Malthus worships Gaia more than his own god, given that the creature is best known for advocating policies that we now called Malthusian idiocy.
  2. TheRomanSlayer

    Commentary: The downfall: Tolkien’s warning against a corrupted empire and what the American right can learn from it

    So they're now going to declare the worship of a Greek goddess as the new official religion of the world now?
  3. TheRomanSlayer

    Commentary: The downfall: Tolkien’s warning against a corrupted empire and what the American right can learn from it

    So Sauron was originally a human being in this case or the Tolkien equivalent of a demon?