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  1. Tiamat

    Kane for President, 2024! Vote NOD! Brotherhood! Unity! Peace!

    Congratulations on your promotion, Brother.... :devilish:
  2. Tiamat

    Kane for President, 2024! Vote NOD! Brotherhood! Unity! Peace!

    While @commanderkai wants to cosplay Star Trek ("One to Beam Up, SCOTTY!"), we at the Brotherhood of Nod found @Husky_Khan 's story quite earnest and heartwarming. So heartwarming, in fact, we'd like to talk about one of the Brotherhood's newest, far more down-to-earth technological...
  3. Tiamat

    Kane for President, 2024! Vote NOD! Brotherhood! Unity! Peace!

    ---<INCOMING TRANSMISSION---SOURCE UNKNOWN---ESTABLISHING BATTLEFIELD UPLINK---STANDBY>--- Greetings, my faithful Brothers and Sisters. Yes, it is I...KANE. Ah, but you knew that, didn't you, my faithful? You, my reverent faithful, have not just recited, but fervently believed in the...
  4. Tiamat

    Kane for President, 2024! Vote NOD! Brotherhood! Unity! Peace!

    Welcome, brother! Never forget...YOU CAN'T KILL THE MESSIAH.
  5. Tiamat

    Kane for President, 2024! Vote NOD! Brotherhood! Unity! Peace!

    Our Great Leader Kane (KANE LIVES IN DEATH!) would like to share with you our very own theme campaign song, and slogan for 2024...sung by none other than the great Frank Klepacki and the Tiberian Sons: NO MERCY. MERCY IS FOR THE WEAK!
  6. Tiamat

    Kane for President, 2024! Vote NOD! Brotherhood! Unity! Peace!

    Ia! Ia! Cthulhu…Raleigh? Relay? Ree-whatever! Last I heard he’s sleeping deeper than ‘ol Joe Biden on a keggar of NyQuil! Which means until he wakey-wakes, he is pretty much just like, well, Joe Biden…dead weight.
  7. Tiamat

    Kane for President, 2024! Vote NOD! Brotherhood! Unity! Peace!

    Glad you asked! Let this brochure enlighten you!
  8. Tiamat

    Kane for President, 2024! Vote NOD! Brotherhood! Unity! Peace!

    "Kayne" can only wish he was HALF as cool as our leader Kane. KANE LIVES IN DEATH! Not to mention, Kane has a far more fashionable "chrome dome".
  9. Tiamat

    Kane for President, 2024! Vote NOD! Brotherhood! Unity! Peace!

    Dear brothers and sisters (and binaries, and furries, and other miscellaneous "fill-in-the-blank") of the Sietch, everywhere we look, we see discontent, chaos and strife. We worry for the present, we worry for the future, we worry for the state of Humanity itself....and where is hope? Where is...