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  1. Typhonis

    Election 2020 Biden Says the Darndest Things

    Great googly moogly...Karl Marx was a Karen? Wait misread that.
  2. Typhonis

    Election 2020 Biden Says the Darndest Things

    I'm sorry it's just I'm wondering why this poor hamster is being punished for doing the one job he had.
  3. Typhonis

    Election 2020 Biden Says the Darndest Things

    Hillary is not a hamster, last I saw. She seems more Diana from the miniseries V.
  4. Typhonis

    Election 2020 Biden Says the Darndest Things

    Playboy Playmate of the year 1986.
  5. Typhonis

    Election 2020 Biden Says the Darndest Things

    Are you sure that is Paradise? Personally I'd prefer Kathy Shower.
  6. Typhonis

    Election 2020 Biden Says the Darndest Things

    I'm just waiting for Biden to pop up and say, "There are 4000 puppeteers in the union. Why the hell did I get the one with cold hands?"