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  1. W

    Jordan Peterson or something whatever thread.

    The West's decadence makes Russia's invasion of Ukraine logical?
  2. W

    Jordan Peterson or something whatever thread.

    Can you please elaborate on how exactly this is a piece hit on him? As in, how exactly were his words misinterpreted here?
  3. W

    Jordan Peterson or something whatever thread.

    He's just upset that the West destroyed the gender binary so that it's now bois and grrrls in addition to just boys and girls lol! :D But I really still don't see why or how exactly this warrants Ukraine being invaded by Russia! Russia itself could use more bois and grrrls, after all!
  4. W

    Jordan Peterson or something whatever thread.

    I especially like this part of the second article: Why exactly should Russia be offered EU membership if it views the EU as a web of decadence, as Peterson allegedly claims? Also, offering EU membership to an aggressor state would require it to clean up its house and engage in internal regime...
  5. W

    Jordan Peterson or something whatever thread.