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  1. Yinko

    Media/Journalism Cringe Megathread - Hot off the Presses

    Wasn't he one of the New Atheist's? That was a pretty niche Liberal stance that died in infancy.
  2. Yinko

    Media/Journalism Cringe Megathread - Hot off the Presses

    I was never into this guy, so forgive me if I am wrong here, but in the 90's and 00's Bill Maher was pretty left wing, right? Like, he would have been considered a left end liberal rather than a classical liberal. Yet, in this clip from a few days ago he's saying stuff that is to the right of...
  3. Yinko

    Media/Journalism Cringe Megathread - Hot off the Presses

    There's the funny thing, I've never heard of #1, 6, 10, 13 or 14, and only barely heard of the other Fox one. I looked up Greg Gutfeld and don't even recognize his face. While I don't watch these kinds of shows any more, I feel that this has a lot more to do with how often they get snipped and...
  4. Yinko

    Media/Journalism Cringe Megathread - Hot off the Presses

    I saw a link to Last Week Tonight on a streaming service and wondered how they were doing. I dropped it around the time Trump got elected, because they got pretty repetitive and boring. The first graph...
  5. Yinko

    Media/Journalism Cringe Megathread - Hot off the Presses

    Somehow, if the people going "back to Africa" are the likes of the CHAZ, BLM or Black Hammer leadership then I get the feeling history might just repeat itself. They're almost to that point here.
  6. Yinko

    Media/Journalism Cringe Megathread - Hot off the Presses

    On the Podcast of the Lotus Eaters they pointed out that the senator pointed out himself that people called him racial slurs for being republican, and that he had experienced discrimination, prior to saying that the US was not a racist country. It seems to me that he's saying, we're not...
  7. Yinko

    Media/Journalism Cringe Megathread - Hot off the Presses

    Just wonderful, so now our intelligence agencies are openly playing at politics. This doesn't smack of Praetorianism at all no sir. Are the highest seats in the land now for open bid? Can I take out a loan in order to pay the necessary bribes?
  8. Yinko

    Media/Journalism Cringe Megathread - Hot off the Presses

    Johnson appointed a new conservative head of the BBC recently.
  9. Yinko

    Media/Journalism Cringe Megathread - Hot off the Presses

    Or Pete Buttigieg, his electoral corruption was the most blatant of all. He was a major shareholder of some of these companies.
  10. Yinko

    Media/Journalism Cringe Megathread - Hot off the Presses

    Here's my issue with the Biden emails thing. For the past 4-6 years we've seen accelerating bias in favor of the Democrats from the media, to the point where only the most ill-informed believe them to be "fair and balanced" and it has even led to a large number of defections from the...
  11. Yinko

    Media/Journalism Cringe Megathread - Hot off the Presses

    I mean, it is a color, just not a very brownish one. :unsure:
  12. Yinko

    Media/Journalism Cringe Megathread - Hot off the Presses

    Huh. I hadn't thought of it that way. I got the gist without much thought, as "intensify" is often used in such contexts in order to mean escalation into violence. Good point though. If anything it's a pretty hamfisted word-association game. Place nice sounding words around negative ideas...
  13. Yinko

    Media/Journalism Cringe Megathread - Hot off the Presses

    It sounds like this is great, but also like the current Leftist actions have brought McConnell behind Trump for once.
  14. Yinko

    Media/Journalism Cringe Megathread - Hot off the Presses

    Actually, that's a very unflattering comparison. Dude does like the aviators though. I feel that most of his more official photos are too high res/con. It's the government though, if they aren't making your photos look bad they aren't doing their jobs.
  15. Yinko

    Media/Journalism Cringe Megathread - Hot off the Presses

    He would if he hated Trump and was banking on Trump losing so that he could be rewarded by Biden.
  16. Yinko

    Media/Journalism Cringe Megathread - Hot off the Presses

    "Cities with weakened and morale-less police shocked by crime wave as people realize that The Purge was an instructional video" Eh, half-and-half. They banned the confederate flag, which has a lot of cultural significance beyond the confederacy and is also a part of at least one other flag...
  17. Yinko

    Media/Journalism Cringe Megathread - Hot off the Presses

    Having to say that it's not a witch hunt may be one of the indicators that it actually is.
  18. Yinko

    Media/Journalism Cringe Megathread - Hot off the Presses

    Yeah, I had the exact same reasoning. I am cautiously open to the possibility of it being real, for the reasons you mentioned, but it's probably fake. No damage was done to any of the racing equipement, no spray painting, no damage done to the dude. It looks like the sort of thing that...
  19. Yinko

    Media/Journalism Cringe Megathread - Hot off the Presses

    I looked it up, Team 43 is the team for the face of BLM in NASCAR, Bubba Wallace. He claimed that he found the noose in his own stall. I'm not sure I believe him.
  20. Yinko

    Media/Journalism Cringe Megathread - Hot off the Presses

    Then the headlines of "over 20 arrested" for the 'rammings', never mentioning that it wasn't the driver. The "over 50 rammings" is also very misleading as it doesn't actually tell you what qualifies. Does a car accident near a protest count, does driving very slowly through a crowd, or is it...