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  1. posh-goofiness

    Economics Our Wile E. Coyote Economy

    You may be able to run a short term hydroponic or aeroponic garden indoors. You'd need grow lights and liquid fertilizer. The former relies on the grid being stable. The latter on the supply chain not dying. It's not a great solution but with a bit of stockpiling and luck you could last just a...
  2. posh-goofiness

    Economics Our Wile E. Coyote Economy

    The FDIC is supposed to insure bank clients' money. The problem is that the banks have roughly $9T in assets and the FDIC has a pool of money of roughly $150B. So... yeah, if the house of cards that our leaders have built comes crumbling down there simply isn't anything protecting clients from...
  3. posh-goofiness

    Economics Our Wile E. Coyote Economy

    They were laughing at them until the Covid lockdowns, then that laughter dried up pretty damn quick. @Zyobot You don't need to jump in the deep end too fast. If you want to start slow then every grocery trip add an extra bag of rice, 3 extra bags of beans, and an extra shaker of a seasoning you...
  4. posh-goofiness

    Economics Our Wile E. Coyote Economy Seriously putting some thought into pulling out some cash every month and keeping it under my mattress. Literally.