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  1. posh-goofiness

    Understanding Does Not Presage Peace (Naruto, Insert)

    Seemed like a climax but given that exposition on the shinju tree, I'm guessing there's more? Or is this the end?
  2. posh-goofiness

    Understanding Does Not Presage Peace (Naruto, Insert)

    He also has the advantage of the inhuman intelligence he's merged with just making him flat out smarter and with better reflexes. Edit: Unless I misunderstood what the plasma... being.... thing... that he's merged with is supposed to do?
  3. posh-goofiness

    Understanding Does Not Presage Peace (Naruto, Insert)

    Abrupt time skip was abrupt. But it doesn't even matter because that ending scene was gold.
  4. posh-goofiness

    Understanding Does Not Presage Peace (Naruto, Insert)

    I'm so curious to see what this will actually do. Will Hanzo go through with the conversion... thing?
  5. posh-goofiness

    Understanding Does Not Presage Peace (Naruto, Insert)

    Fuck. That ending line. Perfection after showing up the Hokage so many times in a single encounter.