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  1. prinCZess

    Five minutes of hate news

    Your first two examples actually have self-evident or the examples you point to. Your last not so much.
  2. prinCZess

    Five minutes of hate news

    There's an easy way to do that, actually. Congress appropriating funds to specific usages. Or, alternatively, cutting spending. Of course, the whole argument of whether Congress should or should not have held Ukraine and Israel aid up in exchange for a border deal of some kind is moot anyways...
  3. prinCZess

    Five minutes of hate news

    I know the idea of them doing it is a laugh at this point, but it is entirely possible for Congress to make spending cuts. Arguably even necessary/good considering the debt, looming Social Security insolvency, and inflation pressures. Or, if they wanted to keep up a 'fuck Russia' line, they...
  4. prinCZess

    Five minutes of hate news

    Regardless of anything else, actions like this, be it on private cameras, individuals recording (I'll have to look, believe it was a manhunt in Massachussets or somewhere where someone recording on their porch got swept with a rifle and threatened if they didn't stop recording and go inside), or...
  5. prinCZess

    Five minutes of hate news

    So FISA reauthorization has passed the US House of Representatives. The amendment to require warrants (you know, that thing required by the document that created the House of Representatives) for queries of US citizens...was a tie-vote that Speaker Johnson broke in favor of rejecting the...
  6. prinCZess

    Five minutes of hate news

  7. prinCZess

    Five minutes of hate news

    Just call the damn thing an 'alternate history' and you could be set. Not that it's probably going to at all play with or present alternate historical events caused by Cleopatra being a melanated sister (whatever those might be? I, admittedly, don't have a ready-made storyline here because it's...
  8. prinCZess

    Five minutes of hate news

    Apparently--as of right now, at least--there's rowdy protesting in...New York City...While a Memphis livestream referenced is a bunch of people peacefully standing about (so boring the internet-commentator is focusing on New York because it's more violent). People are so dumb. It's just silly...
  9. prinCZess

    Five minutes of hate news

    Anyone who didn't expect exactly this was either heart-breakingly afflicted with the retardation and needs special home-care and our sympathy and assistance, or was lying. Doubly-so since, beyond just the minor things like the IRS record of going after the poor over rich people who can afford...
  10. prinCZess

    Five minutes of hate news

    And then there's the Jesuits. :p
  11. prinCZess

    Five minutes of hate news

    O'Neil: "...Sam, I cannot tell a lie. They're kind'a hot." *Sam looking disappointed/disgusted* Teal'c: "Indeed." *Everyone looks at Teal'c, surprised*
  12. prinCZess

    Five minutes of hate news

    They just need a properly-organized fundraiser. Bigger than a bake-sale, though... I've got it! They can sell fully-automatic weapons and destructive devices for less-than-NFA prices to the 'inactive reserve' of the Oklahoma state militia! And make clear that, because of Oklahoma's central...
  13. prinCZess

    Five minutes of hate news

    'Don't punish wrongdoing for senior leadership because it's too hard' is...very bad reasoning? Like...It is diametrically opposite of how it should be set up. Senior leadership screw-ups should garner MORE swift and brutal reprisal than lower-end. That's a fundamental part of how good...
  14. prinCZess

    Five minutes of hate news

    Americans organizing boycotts of English tea trade (1773, colorized, adapted to video): :p
  15. prinCZess

    Five minutes of hate news

    In fairness, one instance of this kind after...however-long...of men being allowed into female areas or vice-versa isn't a trend or evidence of common occurrence. And the bathroom bills proposed have always been very...hammer-against-mosquito in that regard. Like, indecent exposure still...
  16. prinCZess

    Five minutes of hate news

    You know, this shit makes retroactive suspicion of the multiple instances of 'mass shooter was on the FBIs radar, but mysteriously never got arrested or interviewed we have no idea how it happened' situations the FBI has been in seem sensible. It shouldn't need to be said, but the FBI should...
  17. prinCZess

    Five minutes of hate news

    To be...'fair' (ish)...and relate to the point, doing so under the theory that modern military training techniques ('videotapes' is the stereotype McNamara gets hit with and...partially brought-on himself) and the centralized environment could make-up for their intellectual...