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  1. prinCZess

    Free Speech and (Big Tech) Censorship Thread

    What nincompoops are out there actually paying to use the garbage, in principle and apparently operation, that is Word 365 instead of one of the previous iterations from a CD that you actually own or one of the alternates that are free and don't make you a fricken' subscription-slave to...
  2. prinCZess

    Free Speech and (Big Tech) Censorship Thread

    Ha! I have felt a great disturbance in the Force. As if millions of Aussies were permabanned from Twitter for their favorite word...
  3. prinCZess

    Free Speech and (Big Tech) Censorship Thread

    And how can man die better than shitting on bluecheck gods?
  4. prinCZess

    Free Speech and (Big Tech) Censorship Thread

    You know, we shouldn't be too quick to mock facebook here. It's entirely possible that by clicking 'get support', these nosy busybodies are referred to resources which might help them understand they're being naive idiots...Such as recent news reports about toilet paper shortages. Oh who am I...
  5. prinCZess

    Free Speech and (Big Tech) Censorship Thread

    "Candymaker to stop using sugar in products--plans stevia-shits for everyone!" "Strip Club owners to ban nekkid people--believes in the profit potential of their chicken wings" "Airline to cease purchasing jet fuel--looks to innovate by having all passengers flap their arms"