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  1. prinCZess

    What are you playing currently?

    I remember playing Soul Suspect years ago. I can't say how it compares to Alan Wake, but it's pretty linear and unfortunately predictable in story beats? It kept my attention through a playthrough, but I was kind of disappointed at the end at the lack of any real twist in the story past the one...
  2. prinCZess

    What are you playing currently?

    While playing her there was some subtle nudging that implied her mother was actually the guilty party (though plenty willing to still blame her daughter), but it was never anything explicit.
  3. prinCZess

    What are you playing currently?

    I recall playing some Empire of Sin on a friends computer...three or four months back? Maybe more? And yeah the combat still stands out for how fun and addicting it was. That said, also seemed really easy to cheese and exploit with the character I was--Mabel Reilly? I forget exact name, but her...
  4. prinCZess

    What are you playing currently?

    Me and a friend couch-potatoed for a while and played through Streets of Rage 4--I've never played any of them before, but it's in that same genre of beat em' up arcade-games as Double Dragon and the like. It was quite entertaining, even if I was dramatically, dramatically, bad at things. It's...
  5. prinCZess

    What are you playing currently?

    Doom 2016 now-and-then. Picked it up for a few bucks on sale and damned if it isn't entertainingly well-made in that shoot-em-up genre. I think I've only made it to level three or four, but what I've seen is a blast and I spend probably far too-much time dinking about looking for all the extra...