
  1. Basileus_Komnenos

    How I Learned To Stop Worrying and Love the Auswählen (Bleach: Quincy SI)
    Threadmarks: Prologue

    How I Learned To Stop Worrying and Love the Auswählen Prologue: Are We The Baddies? I never could get used to how cold and foreboding this place was. Up until last night, I was a Soldat, a mere foot soldier serving under His Majesty's Sternritters. Fortunately I was under someone more...
  2. V

    Bleach Fanfic Ideas, Recommendations, and Discussions Thread

    Kinda scrapping the bottom of the barrel here, but of the big anime this was probably the most interesting for fanfics for me if nothing else, one of the ones I follow pretty regularly on other sites, and with the Anime coming back eventually interest might rise on this series so figured I'd...
  3. Konami2000

    Filling The Void (MGLN/SI/Eventual Multicross)

    Well, the third one is the expired one. I'm not sure if that's the way the saying goes, but it doesn't matter. Well this is my first time posting something on this place, I hope to get it right. My main language is not English, so this story can contain many grammatical errors, gender errors...