Aristillus Fanfics, Ideas, Discussion & Recommendation Thread


Writers Blocked Douchebag
I know there's a good chance that nobody here's read "Aristillus-1-The Powers of The Earth & Aristillus-2-Causes of Separation" and would be alienated knowing its genre and kinda because most people would go that it should have freemarket-anarcho-capitalism resulting in Bioshock but I just want to put this thread out just-in-case there's anybody with similar tastes or interests or a love for this series

Before anyone makes any assumptions. The illegal(how the hell is it illegal?)Moon Arcology/Arcologies of Aristillus are a place that acts as a sort of refuge, not just for businessmen and workers and other professions wanting away from the crazy economic policies and extreme taxation of Earth in favour of the job opportunities on the moon, but also for guys who'd be arrested after being accused and slandered of things like Hate Speech/Bigotry/Fascism/Nazism/WhiteSupremacy/Racism/Homophobia/Transphobia/etc even if they're not any of said things as well as being guilty of having more tobacco for consumption than what's legal

Sure, I don't think Anarchocapitalism would lead to a utopia, but if you want to see a book series where people of all races and (former)nationalities end up banding together when the entire planet goes against them and even has the gall to call an invasion a "liberation", fight together and die to the forces of the US/UN because they won't use nukes and they actually lack a military-industrial complex due to lacking taxation to fund armies.

Then this is the book series for you.

I'm actually surprised that it got an award, knowing the content/genre

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