Awesome Fight Scenes You Remember From Fiction

Still remember this movie from many years ago, shame the dude permanently ended up a giant cockroach inside a horrible slum wherein lots of the locals love to abuse and even eat them
His boyfriend might come back and nuke africa for him, so he's got that to look foreword to.
Still remember this movie from many years ago, shame the dude permanently ended up a giant cockroach inside a horrible slum wherein lots of the locals love to abuse and even eat them

It's a shame his subsequent films have suffered from a M Night Shaymalan esque decline in quality because I dud enjoy that films take on Aliens and the final three way battle was a real treat to watch.
Matrix Reloaded Chateau Fight

Just he music alone is unbelievably awesome. Add in the melee weapons - sorely missing from the movies - and it becomes teh best.

Shredder vs. Turtles

All Might vs. All For One. Literally perfect.
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A most classic swordfight, Inigo Montoya vs. Dread Pirate Roberts

Black Rock Shooter is pretty much made around epic battles but I'd have to say even by the standards it set, the fight with DeadMaster is beautiful. The fact that there's a solid eerie plot wrapped around it only makes it better.
Matrix Reloaded Chateau Fight

Just he music alone is unbelievably awesome. Add in the melee weapons - sorely missing from the movies - and it becomes teh best.

Shredder vs. Turtles

All Might vs. All For One. Literally perfect.

OMG when I was little this oussed me off so much. I waited forever to watch live action Splinter beat Shedeers ass but no. Instead we get the move and shredder falls. I was mad for weeks stupid movie.....Good fight though
Do book fights count? In White Night (Dresden Files book #9) there's the duel between Dresden and Ramirez on one side, and a couple of white court vampires whose names elude me on the other, it was awesome.

Still one of my favorite alien designs and a facet of the adaptation that was a surprising improvement over the source material. I do so love these silicon-based, superheated, fiberglass blenders. Their sheer speed and flexibility made them a believable threat, though their tactics were quite literally straightforward. Genuine eye-candy seeing the mimics in motion.

I can't get over the final boss thinking that he can pull "if you kill me you'll be just like me" on a guy who just killed about sixty people in under two minutes.

The final battle in The Last Starfighter. Really shows why Xur was unwilling to invade the Star League if so much as a single Starfighter was still alive, even one of them is a fleet-killer and the Death Blossom was a nice capper followed by a great final one liner.

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