Star Wars The Bad Batch

You missing the point; Mount Tantiss isn’t supposed to be a heavily fortified military base, it’s supposed to be a top secret warehouse, more or less.

I’ll believe that rumor when I see it and not a moment before. Fact of the matter is, even with damage control being run, it’s a loosing battle. Because episodes 7-9 are going to loom far more in the public consciousness then some spin off films, even if those do get made.

Frankly, I don’t trust Filoni to do it right. Even if shoving his super-special OC in and making her the savior of the galaxy sounds in character for him. I still haven’t forgiven him for the mess TCW made of the Clone Wars timeline. And putting that aside, unless Ashoka is going back centuries, it wouldn’t explain the pre-OT era divergences and so on.

Only way I’d accept it is if Ashoka manages to undo Palpatine’s meddling...but at the cost of removing herself from the timeline, thus moving the TCW stuff into the Disney Wars canon, replacing it with the pre-TCW lore.

Now, it they want to rewrite the Vong War and everything that came after it from Legends, so long as they don’t screw it up, it’s fine by me.
See, unlike you, I'm not a die-hard about trying to keep everything about the old canon, which was inconsistent as shit for years before the Disney purchase was even thought about.

I had no set image of what the Clone Wars 'should be' at any point before TCW came to be, and think Ahsoka's plot fills in a lot of plot holes of Episode 3 and how Anakin ended up feeling the way he did about the Republic, Jedi, and Palpatine.
What if they discovered the entire Sequel Trilogy timeline was a Vong plot to weaken the Galaxy for invasion. And the World Between Worlds shows this.
I’d role with that.
Eh, not banking on the Vong coming in anymore; I think it may be the Grisk from the new Thrawn books, who take on a mix of their and the Vagari (Unknown Region slavers from the Outbound Flight books) characteristics.

Now if they were to say name drop Nom Anor, who was undercover as far back as the Dark Empire time, and likely before...then things could get interesting.

However I would point out the...physics of the Disney canon nullify some of what made the Vong so dangerous in ship to ship and ground combat.

The ability to send and receive signals in hyperspace violates a key tenant of old canon, and means that a lot more immediate, galaxy wide coordination of forces is possible, and even works just between personal comms, as shown with Hunter's comm luring the Bad Batch to Kamino.

Given how the Vong's gravity manipulation/interdiction/coordination tech was some of their greatest strengths over the NR and Empire, this change in how hyperspace comms and such work means that they are not quite the villains they were originally.

Personally I'd prefer they bring in the Yevetha and/or the 'Diversity Alliance' from the Young Jedi Knights series...the latter would spark a massive shit storm because of it's commentary on social strife and what cycles of revenge can lead to.

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