Yvonne's Final Farewell
Friday, June 8th, 1984
Santiago Metropolitan Cathedral
Santiago, Chile


The temperature hovered in the mid-fifties & there wasn't any humidity in the air. It was a fair summer day in Santiago as dignitaries & others gathering to commemorating the late First Lady of Chile. The day, was not dawning, was soon to behold the pageantry that was typical of such an occasion. Gerald Enriquez, already awake, sipped his coffee & was eating a light breakfast alone as the sun came into view. He was sitting at the kitchen table of the Summer Presidential Residence, Palace of Cierro Castillo in Vina del Mar.

Gerald's first obligation that day was to give his wife the dignified farewell that she deserved. In the meantime, the rest of the Enriquez family was heading their way towards the Summer Presidential Residence to meet Gerald before they headed toward to attending the festivities; Various Cabinet & elected officials arrived at the old National Congress Building, where the Lying in Repose would took place for the week of June 2nd-June 7th. Everyone in attendance saw off the casket of the late Chilean First Lady Yvonne Enriquez: flag-draped with the Chilean national flag, the casket steadily approached towards the doors of the old National Congress Building. The military Honor Guard carrying it outside paused. The Chilean National Anthem was being played as the Cannon Salute was commenced.

The first seven Cannons pierced the sky.

Holding his niece, Patricia Enriquez's hand, Gerald's mind drifted to memories of his father, Gerald Vincent Enriquez, Sr., his beloved father. He could see the image of his father, wearing a cowboy hat. All he remembered that his father had seen & done. In those final moments of his father's life, Gerald felt the weight of his father's legacy falling onto him. Most Chileans remember the senior Enriquez for any reason other than serving in the Chilean Army, winning elected office in the Chilean Chamber of Deputies for six years then serving in the Chilean Senate for thirteen years before serving as Minister of National Defense during the administration of then-President Carlos Ibanez del Campo including serving as Chilean Ambassador to Brazil.

Enriquez was raised at a time of intense fundamental change in South America & Latin America overall. On his deathbed, Gerald, Sr., had summoned his son, Gerald, Jr., to bring him his ledger books, not so he could give his son guidance on debts to collect, but instead, choosing to canceling the debts altogether of all those who owed him money.

Seven more Cannons pierced the sky & Gerald shivered.

The flag-draped casket sat still as Gerald considered his father's expectations. His father's heightened standards of excellence------of constant perfection. The senior Enriquez's belief that one should finish what they had started. Gerald Vincent Enriquez, Sr., was a simple man, hardworking public servant from a small ranching town, but he possessed great hopes & dreams, & he expected his son, Gerald, Jr., to meeting these expectations.

The final round of the Cannons bursting from the howitzers.

Gerald squinted his eyes into the curiously, brightened sky, considered his wife was lying dead in the casket that was slowly creeping down the steps of the old National Congress Building as the Marine Corps Band played. He thought about the woman he met during the 1972 Miss Universe pageant, he had loved dearly & cherished Yvonne for every moment they had together for 11 years of marriage; & how, in the final three years, Gerald conspired to keep the truth of Yvonne's terminal undisclosed illness from her due to political optics. His mind would also drift again to his father & what Gerald Enriquez, Sr., would've said to his son in such a moment. As the casket marched forward, nearing the hearse, Gerald realized what it was his father would be telling him: finish what you've started.

Then, all of the official dignitaries in Santiago gathered for the Ceremonial Funeral of Yvonne Enriquez at the Santiago Metropolitan Cathedral on Friday, June 8th. Besides Gerald & the Enriquez family including Yvonne's family; several foreign dignitaries were in attendance, Gerald wore a pained expression throughout the entire service, especially at the beginning as congregants milled about awaiting the arrival of Colombian de-facto First Lady Ivette Quintero (the daughter of Colombian President Lieutenant General Seymour Quintero). The conspiracy to keep Yvonne from finding out the truth of her undisclosed illness began to slowly emerge in dribs.

Yes, Yvonne had some sense that something wasn't right------it wasn't known yet that she had any idea of the terminal cancer diagnosis as early as June 1981------& Gerald, as far as he was concerned, believed it would be strong & beneficial politically that Yvonne would never find out whatsoever. He wanted to keep her pumped up full of medications, causing her to have memory lapses & losses.

The rest of the day unfolded in splendid melancholy. The entire time, Gerald gripped his niece's hand. There were three eulogies that day: The first came from Brazilian First Lady Dulce Figueiredo; the second came from Colombian de-facto First Lady Ivette Quintero & the third came from Gerald himself, who praised his wife as "The President that Chile should've had" & he credited her to encouraging him to taking on the task of the Chilean Presidency during the height of the Civil War (1978-1981).

Following the festivities, the final Cannon Salute was fired by the Field Artillery Regiment of the Chilean Army outside of the Santiago Metropolitan Cathedral including a flyover from the Chilean Air Force during the Flag Presentation part of the Ceremonial Funeral. Gerald was given the folded Chilean national flag from Chilean National Defense Minister Lieutenant General Alfonso Michelsen. After the Funeral Mass, Yvonne's casket was carried out of the Santiago Metropolitan Cathedral & driven through the streets of Santiago before leaving the TV cameras as it drove toward the secluded outskirts, the TV coverage ended. Gerald & the Enriquez family gathered at a private family gathering at the Palace of Cierro Castillo in Vina del Mar.

While things slowly went back to normal in Chile, the eccentric embalmer Olga Kuenpeck of Sweden was slowly & methodically working on making Yvonne more beautiful no matter how long it took.
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Olga's Eccentric & Grisly Methods (Part I)
Segment Disclaimer: The following segment will be NSFW-graphic, gruesome, gory & NSFW erotic. Viewer discretion is strongly advised.

Perfecting Yvonne's Beauty (Part I)
Monday, June 11th, 1984
11:00 PM
Somewhere in undisclosed secret location in Chile

Olga Kuepneck of Sweden was known by some to become quite quirky, weird & very eccentric due to her grisly methods of perfecting female corpses inside her secret labs. Olga was alleged to have been involved in the secret escapade with the embalmed corpse of the late Saudi Crown Princess Naureen, which dragged on for years.

Accompanying Olga was her special trusty assistant, Paola Akermann, also from Sweden, who was more cooperative & willing to participate in several of the grisly methods of perfecting the perfect corpses.

On the late afternoon of June 8th, Paola drove the hearse containing Yvonne's casket in a heavily secluded location in the middle of nowhere with lots of trees, finally arriving at the undisclosed secret location with super large triple black-walled gates. "Here we are. Time to get to work, which will be long and dragged out."

Olga stepped into the underground tunnel (which was large), motioning Paola to slowly drive closer toward the designated area: Once that was done, both Olga & Paola managed to get Yvonne's brown mahogany casket out of the hearse by placing it on a wheel-stand; Paola went to lock up the hearse & helped Olga wheeling Yvonne's casket all the way inside the heavy underground secret tunnel, which they arrived inside one of the large secret labs.

Paola & Olga slowly opened the casket: Yvonne was laying inside, looking a little bit bloated due to the long-dragged out public viewing. Olga went to go into her office & get some chemicals & other things ready, while Paola slowly removed the large white dress off of Yvonne's body from head to toe, revealing Yvonne naked & barefoot.

Olga & Paola managed to lift Yvonne's naked body out of the casket & placed her inside of a special glass container. Paola asked if Olga needed anything else, Olga replied "Nothing right now, we'll leave Yvonne inside this special glass container before I begin the long work. Get some rest."

While Paola went to bed upstairs, Olga had been figuring out grisly methods of perfecting Yvonne's beauty. Plus Olga had a secret of her own......

Coming Soon: Part II of Perfecting Yvonne's Beauty.
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Update from Plains, GA
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National & International Segments (Summer 1984: Part XVIII)
Tuesday, June 12th, 1984: American & South African Special Forces military troops participated in joint military exercises in what was rumored to be Operation Cleansing 3.0.

Wednesday, June 13th, 1984: Chilean President Major General Gerald Enriquez signs the Jobs Investment Opportunity Act of 1984 into law. It'll be an increase of 6.6 million jobs nationwide.

Thursday, June 14th, 1984: Mexican President General Oscar Robles meets with Queen Beatrix & Prince Consort Bernhard at the Royal Palace in Amsterdam. Robles will be in the Netherlands for a five-day working visit boosting economic cooperation & diplomatic relations between the two nations.

United States Senator & presumptive Democratic Party presidential nominee Edward M. Kennedy (D-MA) reportedly holds meetings with potential VP contenders such as United States Senator Lloyd Bensten (D-TX); San Antonio Mayor Henry Cisneros (D); United States Senator John Glenn (D-OH); FL Governor Bob Graham (D). Senator Kennedy also hosted San Francisco Mayor Dianne Feinstein (D) & Los Angeles Mayor Tom Bradley (D) at the Kennedy Compound in Hyannis Port, MA.

Friday, June 15th, 1984: AR Governor Bill Clinton (D) signs the Arkansans Educational Opportunity Act of 1984 into law. The move comes as the Democratic-controlled AR General Assembly overwhelmingly passed the AEOA in both chambers by lopsided margins following a three-month legislative special session.

Saturday, June 16th, 1984: The Canadian entertainment company Cirque du Soleli is officially established.

Sunday, June 17th, 1984: Potential VP contenders for presumptive Democratic Party presidential nominee United States Senator Edward M. Kennedy (D-MA): United States Senator John Glenn (D-OH), Congresswoman Geraldine Ferraro (D-NY St 09th), San Antonio Mayor Henry Cisneros (D), San Francisco Mayor Dianne Feinstein (D) & FL Governor Bob Graham (D) all doing the virtual campaign circuit on the Sunday morning shows: CBS 'Face The Nation'; NBC 'Meet the Press'; ABC 'This Week with David Brinkley'.

Monday, June 18th, 1984: US Vice President George H.W. Bush during campaign rally in Pittsburgh, PA: blasts United States Senator Edward M. Kennedy (D-MA), calling him "The most extreme liberal United States Senator in America" & also blasts Senator Kennedy's campaign proposals as big government bureaucracy & said a potential Kennedy presidency would be a continuation of the disastrous administration of then-US President Jerry Brown (1977-1981).

Senator Kennedy's campaign spokesperson, Paul Kirk responds by blasting both President Reagan & Vice President Bush saying the so-called Reaganomics had failed Americans & blasts the controversial foreign policy objectives of the Reagan administration.

Tuesday, June 19th, 1984: Law enforcement authorities in Wilmington, DE arrested Hunter Biden, the son of United States Senator Joe Biden (D-DE) on unspecified incidents. Details of the arrest are unknown & weren't revealed to the public.

Wednesday, June 20th 1984: United States Senator Edward M. Kennedy (D-MA) gives exclusive interview with Ted Koppel of ABC News from Kennedy campaign headquarters in Boston, MA: Senator Kennedy explains how a potential Kennedy administration will turn America around in the next four years if he's elected to the Presidency.

Thursday, June 21st, 1984: Senator Kennedy begins full-scale campaign swing in the Pacific Northwest beginning with campaign stops in WA St, OR, ID, AK.

Friday, June 22nd, 1984: Virgin Atlantic officially makes their debut in their inaugural flight.

Saturday, June 23rd, 1984: NV Governor Richard Bryan (D) reportedly is being discussed as a potential VP contenders in the VP Sweepstakes for United States Senator Edward M. Kennedy (D-MA). Bryan hasn't commented on the speculation about the VP Sweepstakes.

Sunday, June 24th, 1984: United States Senator Edward M. Kennedy (D-MA) is interviewed on NBC 'Meet The Press' during exclusive interview.

Mexican President General Oscar Robles deploys the Mexican National Guard into the streets of Mexico City during recent demonstrations by demonstrators demanding the full reinstatement of democracy in Mexico. According to anonymous sources, Robles is considering escalating a similar version of the Dirty War.

Monday, June 25th, 1984: Hayden Association is founded by Prof. Rina Zaizow Moulx & parents of children with cancer as pediatric oncology department in Israel.

Tuesday, June 26th, 1984: Former MA Governor Edward J. King (D) announces his endorsement of incumbent US President Ronald Reagan & incumbent US Vice President George H.W. Bush. King previously served as Governor from 1979 to 1983 before losing the 1982 Democratic gubernatorial primary to current MA Governor Michael Dukakis (D), whose serving his 2nd term.

Wednesday, June 27th, 1984: France defeats Spain 2-0, winning the 1984 EURO84 championship.

Thursday, June 28th, 1984: United States Senator Dan Quayle (R-IN) makes a gaffe during a town hall meeting on the campus of Notre Dame University in South Bend, IN by saying "Chicago is a state because they've got weird people over there." Reaction from both sides of the political aisle inside the Land of Lincoln from IL Governor Big Jim Thompson (R), United States Senators Charles Percy (R-IL) & Alan J. Dixon (D-IL) including Chicago Mayor Harold Washington (D) all belittling Senator Quayle's embarrassing gaffe by sending him maps of the state of IL, etc.,

Friday, June 29th, 1984: NBC Sports broadcaster O.J. Simpson is tapped to interview AR Governor Bill Clinton (D) & several coaches of the University of Arkansas Razorbacks Football Team (more on this later).

Saturday, June 30th, 1984: Mexican National Guard violently cracks down on the 600+ demonstrators in Mexico City following a week of sit-ins & demonstrations. Reports indicate 73 people were killed; 300 others were injured while 300 were arrested & sent to secret detention centers.
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National & International Segments (Summer 1984: Part XIX)

Sunday, July 1st, 1984: US President Ronald Reagan & US First Lady Nancy Reagan are interviewed by Chris Wallace of NBC News at Camp David in Camp Springs, MD: Topics consisted of the 1984 reelection campaign, defending the administration's accomplishments in office & foreign policy achievements.

Liechtenstein becomes the last European nation to giving women the right to vote.

Monday, July 2nd, 1984: Miss Universe 1983 Lorraine Downes of New Zealand meets with Pope Carlos I at the Apostolic Palace in Vatican City during a special Courtesy Call.

Tuesday, July 3rd, 1984: Saudi Arabian President General Jamal Al-Fayheed & Indian President Zail Singh sign Memorandum of Understanding documents boosting diplomatic relations between the two nations: nuclear proliferation cooperation & economic incentives were in discussion between Indian & Saudi officials.

Wednesday, July 4th, 1984: Fourth of July festivities taking place in the United States with celebrations & 4th of July parades in all 51 states including the US territories of US Virgin Islands, Northern Mariana Islands, Guam & American Samoa.

Thursday, July 5th, 1984: United States Senator Edward M. Kennedy (D-MA) reportedly holds closed-door meetings with potential VP contenders at the Kennedy Compound in Hyannis Port, MA. The Associated Press is reporting Senator Kennedy & his campaign associates are winnowing down the large list of contenders for the Vice Presidency with an official announcement expected any moment now.

Former US Vice President Jimmy Carter confirms that he will be delivering a special keynote address at the 1984 Democratic National Convention at the Moscone Convention Center in San Francisco, CA later this month. Carter was the 1980 Democratic Party presidential nominee narrowly losing to President Reagan in an extremely hard fought contest.

Former US President Jerry Brown hasn't commented on whether or not he'll be attending the 1984 Democratic National Convention. Brown has been in an extremely low profile since his bruising defeat to United States Senator Pete Wilson (R-CA) in the 1982 CA US Senate election.

Friday, July 6th, 1984: United States Senator Russell B. Long (D-LA) announced his endorsement of incumbent United States Senator John McKeithen (D-LA)'s reelection bid to full 6-year term. Polling surveys showing Senator McKeithen heavily favoured to win in November.

US Ambassador to Greece Hugh L. Carey meets with Greek President Constantine at the Presidential Palace in Athens during special Courtesy Call heightening the diplomatic relations between the US & Greece.

The NY St Republican Party announcing their official endorsement of former United States Senator James Buckley (R-NY St) in his campaign for the United States Senate in 1984 against former NY St Governor Mario Cuomo (D).

While addressing a Joint Session of the MA State Legislature at the Statehouse in downtown Boston, MA: United States Senator Edward M. Kennedy (D-MA) announced his selection of Congresswoman Geraldine Ferraro (D-NY St 09th) as his choice for the Vice Presidency. Ferraro is the first female Vice Presidential nominee of a major political party; Reaction of Congresswoman Ferraro being tapped has brought strong reactions from excitement to mixed & milquetoast.

Saturday, July 7th, 1984: Sources indicate that Senator Kennedy's decision to tap Congresswoman Ferraro as his running mate for the Vice Presidency was blasted by surrogates for United States Senators John Glenn (D-OH) , Gary Hart (D-CO) & Lloyd Bentsen (D-TX) & TX Governor Mark W. White, Jr., (D): many of whom felt Senator Kennedy's campaign has gone completely chaotic & annoying including ridiculing the selection as a gimmick for votes.

Sunday, July 8th, 1984: San Francisco Mayor Dianne Feinstein (D) interviewed on NBC's 'Meet The Press' from San Francisco City Hall inside her office discussing her accomplishments in office leading the City of San Francisco during difficult circumstances.

Monday, July 9th, 1984: Yvonne Ryding of Sweden wins the 33rd Miss Universe pageant becoming the 33rd Miss Universe Titleholder at the James L. Knight Convention Center in Miami, FL: Ryding was crowned by Miss Universe 1983 Lorraine Downes of New Zealand. While Ryding was doing the Grand Walk as Miss Universe 1984, the live coverage was interrupted by CBS News with a major shocking special report.

Yvonne Ryding of Sweden being crowed as the 33rd Miss Universe Titleholder by former Miss Universe 1983 Lorraine Downes of New Zealand.
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Shocking the Nation & the World
Monday, July 9th, 1984
10:00 PM EST
CBS Studios
New York City, NY St


Announcer: "We are interrupting the 33rd Miss Universe Pageant with breaking news........... we go now to CBS Studios in New York to Dan Rather......"

Dan Rather: "This is a CBS Special Report...... we are interrupting our broadcast of the 1984 Miss Universe Pageant on CBS to bring you news of shocking and disturbing developments coming out of Olympia, Washington, where we're getting reports from our affiliate, CBS 7 KIRO-TV Seattle is reporting that there might be a potential and devastating tragedy. According to several eyewitnesses, they heard a loud explosion in the outskirts of Olympia which sounded like an earthquake. Immediately, federal, state and municipal law enforcement agencies including medical paramedics arrived at the crash site. It's being reported and I believe, there have been unconfirmed reports of that Air Force One might've crashed into a mountain or a hillside in the outskirts of Olympia. (Rather gets more information in his earpiece).

Ok, I will get to it in just a few minutes.

CBS News is reporting that the aircraft that crashed into a hillside in the outskirts of Olympia, but the French News Agency Ashland's Press have just announced that President Ronald Reagan was on board of Air Force One as the President was leaving a campaign event in Seattle earlier in the evening and was heading to Olympia to hold a campaign rally with Washington State Governor Dennis Spellman, when Air Force One suffered a hard landing somewhere in the outskirts of Olympia. Now I want to be very clear, CBS News hasn't confirmed any of these developments because it is only the report of the Ashland's Press and NOT confirmed by CBS News or any other national network. And I will not report any such report at this time until we get more credible information coming out of Olympia. We go live now to our correspondent in Olympia......"
Foreign Policy Expert & Diplomat turned President
George Herbert Walker Bush (R-TX)
July 9th, 1984-January 20th, 1993

The Bush Presidency Begins
Monday, July 9th, 1984
11:00 PM EST
The White House
Washington, DC


"Good evening. I am coming onto the air tonight to inform the American people of a deep traumatic loss. Earlier this evening, President Ronald Reagan was killed in a horrific plane crash. We will not rest nor stop until we find the culprit or culprits and making sure those responsible for this barbaric act are prosecuted and punished to the fullest extent of the law.

 Please join Barbara and I in a moment of silence as we always remember the 41st President of the United States.

(Moment of Silence).

Tonight, in this dark hours of tragedy, my belief in America continues to remain unshaken. Once more we find ourselves in another unexpected period of presidential transition. A spirit of cynicism and distrust has polluted the national dialogue as we had recently marked our 208th anniversary of Independence, and tonight, that discord manifested itself once again in such a violent, brutal display of such horrific circumstances. Tonight, though we mourn rightfully the loss of one of the most transformational leaders who did everything in his power of bringing Americans together, we are and will remain strong. We are no less present on the world stage as we were yesterday, nor are we less determined to move forward into the twilight of this century as one nation, united under God. The tragedy today is that it such a dreadful and universally appalling act of carnage to remind us of this.

But let's not be mistaken: America will always be so strong as long as there are Americans. We are an innovative and inclusive people, unique for our equality of opportunity and for the universality of the American dream. Indeed, it is the American dream which across the world has entered into the lexicon as a word usually associated with the promise of peace, freedom, and a fighting chance. So we will respond to this savage act of brutality, which has left so many of us feeling shaken and rudderless, as an opportunity to healing America, to restoring and renewing faith in government, and to ensuring that every American experiences the dream that has compelled so many millions of people to give up everything in pursuit of liberty. Our thoughts and prayers remain with the First Lady and her family tonight; we, as Americans, have an obligation to the Reagan family that has given up so much for the good of the country. We must ensure that Ronald Wilson Reagan did not die in vain. We must ensure that his legacy likewise lives on forever, and we must ensure that the mission must be completed, the battle won, the greatest heights conquered, and the game is finally won. This is what Ronald Reagan wanted for America ultimately. We as Americans must live up to the legacy that President Reagan has left behind, and though it is a tall order, I believe firmly that it is a challenge every American of any age, gender, race, or party can rise to meet and conquering these challenges.

Thank you, God Bless you all, God Bless President Reagan and his family, and most of all, may God Bless the United States of America."

Coming Soon: Ramifications of the 07.09.84 Incident
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In the meantime back in Boston
Monday, July 9th, 1984
Kennedy Campaign Headquarters
Boston, MA

United States Senator Edward M. Kennedy (D-MA) was watching the news coverage of the shocking news developments on the mysterious Air Force One crash, which killed President Ronald Reagan. The 1984 Democratic Party presidential nominee was just crestfallen.

"I just lost the 1984 Presidential election." Kennedy confided with Boston Mayor Raymond Flynn (D).

Kennedy had just tapped Congresswoman Geraldine Ferraro (D-NY St 09th) as his running mate for the Vice Presidency just over the weekend when the momentum stopped. This meant the upcoming 1984 Democratic National Convention in San Francisco will likely get strongly scaled back heavily or potentially postponed.

Not only did Senator Kennedy's presidential campaign had lost whatever temporary polling bounce he had with Ferraro's historic selection, but the odds which were heavily stacked against him to begin with, now got much much heavier....... Especially with George Herbert Walker Bush now ascending to the Presidency as the nation's 42nd Chief Executive.

Coming Up: Political Fallout from the 07.09.84 Incident.
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National & International Segments (Summer 1984: Part XX)
Monday, July 9th, 1984: US President Ronald Reagan including countless others are killed in an explosive, violent, fiery plane crash while traveling to attend campaign rally in the outskirts of Olympia, WA St. Air Force One reportedly flew into heavy fog during that fateful Monday evening & crashed into a hillside or mountain. Among those killed in the Air Force One crash, White House Deputy Chief of Staff Michael Deaver, US Ambassador to the United Nations Jean Kirkpatrick.

Within HRS of receiving notification of President Reagan's death, US Vice President George H.W. Bush is sworn into office as the 42nd President of the United States by US Supreme Court Chief Justice Warren Burger.

Among the first acts of his presidency, President Bush signs 23 executive orders consisting of implementing Operation McMillan which gives intelligence agencies the green-light to aggressively pursue & arrest so-called outside agitators. The first phases of Operation McMillan begins with the full closure of the US-Mexico border including the US-Canada border due to national security concerns. President Bush also signs memorandum declaration, officially declaring nationwide period of mourning across the United States in all 51 states including the US territories of US Virgin Islands, Northern Mariana Islands, Guam & American Samoa.

Tuesday, July 10th, 1984: Soviet & Chinese military troops launch joint military exercises with North Korea in their goals of potentially invading the Republic of Korea & Japan. News of these suspicious activities alarm Korean President Chun Doo-hwan & Japanese Prime Minister Yasuhiro Nakasone that they order full-scale deployment of military troops coordinating with American military personnel troops stationed in Japan & Korea respectively. Foreign policy & national defense analysts noted the aggressive behavior of the Soviets, Chinese & North Koreans aren't a coincidence following the mysterious Air Force One crash that resulted in President Reagan's death on July 9th.

Wednesday, July 11th, 1984: Hong Konger Prime Minister Lei Dang speaks with US President George H.W. Bush via telephone during Special Courtesy Call discussing the bilateral diplomatic relations between the United States & the Commonwealth of Hong Kong.

Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos & Philippine First Lady Imelda Marcos both confirm they'll be attending the State Funeral of the late US President Ronald Reagan. Marcos has spoken with President Bush on the telephone & offered his condolences to the American people & the Reagan family. Mrs. Marcos spoke with former US First Lady Nancy Reagan via telephone for over three HRS.

US House Speaker Jim Wright (D-TX 12th) & US Senate Majority Leader Howard Baker (R-TN) both met with President Bush at the Circle One Observatory, where the Bushes will remain living at the Naval Observatory residence during the interim as former US First Lady Nancy Reagan & her family begin making plans on moving out of the White House.

Thursday, July 12th, 1984: US President George H.W. Bush confirms he'll be retaining White House Chief of Staff Jim Baker & White House Counsel Edwin Meese, III.

White House Press Secretary Larry Speakes announced that the State Funeral of the late US President Ronald Reagan will be taking place on July 17th. Speakes also read statements from the Reagan family.

Friday, July 13th, 1984: Due to the horrific Air Force One crash resulting in the death of then-US President Ronald Reagan, the 1984 Democratic National Convention in San Francisco, CA will be temporarily scaled down & postponed until sometime in early or mid August.

The 1984 Republican National Convention which is set to take place in Dallas, TX will also be scaled back to late August according to inside sources.

Saturday, July 14th, 1984: The Reagan family holds private special ceremony inside the East Room of the White House, where the flag-draped casket of the late US President Ronald Reagan is Lying in Repose. Among those in attendance: President George H.W. Bush & First Lady Barbara Bush; US Secretary of State George P. Shultz; US Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger; US Health & Human Services Secretary Margaret M. Heckler & US Housing & Urban Development Secretary Samuel Pierce.

Sunday, July 15th, 1984: The flag-draped casket of the late US President Ronald Reagan leaves the White House for the final time as an Honor Guard of the US Armed Forces personnel carried the 41st President's flag-draped casket & placed it on a horse-drawn caisson & accompanied by 59 limousines along with federal law enforcement agencies & the US Secret Service as the funeral procession takes the slow march all the way towards the US Capitol West Front Grounds. There's also a full deployment of National Guard personnel troops stationed in Washington, DC to prevent further chaos from taking place.

Sunday, July 15th-Tuesday, July 17th, 1984: An estimated 6,773 mourners paid their respects to the late US President Ronald Reagan as they filed past the flag-draped casket inside the US Capitol Rotunda.

Coming Soon: Highlights of the State Funeral of the late US President Ronald Reagan on July 17th, 1984.
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Upcoming Segments for next week
Coming up sometime next week, the following segments of The Cursed American Presidency:
1.) Highlights of the State Funeral of US President Ronald Reagan on July 17th, 1984.
2.) Conspiracy theories about the 07.09.84 Incident.
3.) Political ramifications of the 07.09.84 Incident.
4.) Highlights of the 1984 DNC Convention in San Francisco, CA.
5.) Highlights of the 1984 GOP National Convention in Dallas, TX.
6.) Campaign Trail: Kennedy vs Bush.
National & International Segments (Summer 1984: Part XXI)

Tuesday, July 17th, 1984: State Funeral of US President Ronald Reagan is held at the Washington National Cathedral in Washington, DC. US Supreme Court Associate Justice Sandra Day O'Connor, British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, Canadian Prime Minister John Turner & US President George H.W. Bush delivered respective eulogies. Among the 4,000 people attending the State Funeral included former US Presidents Richard Nixon (1969-1974) & Jerry Brown (1977-1981); former US Vice Presidents Spiro Agnew (1969-1973), Edward W. Brooke (1975-1977) & Jimmy Carter (1977-1981); the Prince of Wales, Prince Charles (representing his mother, Queen Elizabeth II), West German Chancellor Helmut Kohl, Japanese Prime Minister Yasuhiro Nakasone, French President Francois Mitterrand, former French President Valery Giscard d'Estaing, Taiwanese President Chaing Ching-kuo, Mexican President General Oscar Robles, Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos & his wife, Philippine First Lady Imelda Marcos including countless foreign Heads of State & Heads of Government including other foreign dignitaries coming from 167 nations.

Following the State Funeral, President Reagan's flag-draped casket was placed aboard Special Air Mission 41 & flown to his home state of CA: where he was buried during a televised sunset graveside service at his ranch, Rancho del Cielo in the outskirts of Santa Barbara, CA with full military honors which included the final 21 Cannon Salute fired by the CA Army National Guard Field Artillery Regiment followed by a flyover of four Navy F/A-18 fighter jets.

Wednesday, July 18th, 1984: US President George H.W. Bush & his wife, US First Lady Barbara Bush officially move into the White House.

Thursday, July 19th, 1984: Hong Konger Prime Minister Lei Dang reaches an agreement with US Secretary of State George P. Shultz on the Commonwealth of Hong Kong being allowed to get a seat on the United Nations General Assembly.

Los Angeles Mayor Thomas Bradley (D) announces he will not seek a rematch against CA Governor George Deukmejian (R) in 1986, all but ending all hopes of the CA Democratic Party of enticing the three-term Mayor of Los Angeles of launching another gubernatorial campaign. Bradley's announcement all but makes Congressman Peter Hayward, III (D-CA) the heavy favorite to become the Democratic Party nominee for the Governorship. Despite Congressman Hayward's clearing of the field, polls suggest Hayward will have quite an uphill battle against the popular incumbent Republican Governor, where Deukmejian leads by 25 percentage points.

Friday, July 20th, 1984: Federal & state law enforcement authorities are still investigating the mysterious Air Force One crash which killed then-US President Ronald Reagan on July 9th. This hasn't stopped conspiracy theorists from suggesting a foreign conspiracy to assassinate Reagan & cause international chaos.

Saturday, July 21st, 1984: The GOP-controlled United States Senate passes the Motor Carrier Act of 1984; the legislation is sent to the desk of President Bush, who signs the act into law. The legislation, which greatly deregulates the trucking sector altogether, is part of the President's broader push in fully deregulating transportation in America across all 51 states.

Sunday, July 22nd, 1984: On CBS 'Face the Nation', VA Governor Chuck Robb (D) strongly blasts the progressives & liberals in his own party, referring to the hard progressive turn & also referencing United States Senator Edward M. Kennedy (D-MA) & his running mate, Congresswoman Geraldine Ferraro (D-NY St 09th), both of whom in his words, "failed to understand Moderates and Conservatives in the South" including listening to Middle America. It's the latest indication Governor Robb has higher political ambitions beyond the VA Executive Mansion.

Monday, July 23rd, 1984: The Houston Blackouts of 1984 causes absolute chaos for more than 23 HRS, resulting in chaotic disorder. The chaos in the nightmare darkness only ended at the crack of dawn when National Guard troops & the Houston Police Department along with the Harris County Sheriff's Department aggressively cracked down by restoring full order. The incident caused dozens of deaths (mostly due to traffic accidents & murders) & severely damages the public safety credibility of Houston Mayor Kathy Whitmire (D). It also hurts TX Governor Mark W. White (D)'s image as an able administration of the badly mismanaged crisis.

Tuesday, July 24th, 1984: US President George H.W. Bush announces his nomination of Anne Armstrong to serve as US Ambassador to the United Nations, replacing the late Jean Kirkpatrick.

Saudi Arabian President General Jamal Al-Fayheed announces the birth of his daughter, Veluhala Al-Fayheed, the seventh daughter out of his 19 children.

Wednesday, July 25th, 1984: United States Senator Lloyd Bentsen (D-TX) offers moderating praise of the first days of the Bush administration's foreign policy initiatives & budgeting techniques. Bentsen is being rumored to be a potential contender for the 1988 Democratic Party presidential nomination, although Bentsen has stated his intentions of seeking reelection to a 4th term in 1988.

Cosmonaut Svetlana Savitskaya of the Soviet Union becomes the first woman to perfroming a space walk.

Thursday, July 26th, 1984: United States Senator J. Bennett Johnston (D-LA) files legislation called Protecting American Education Act (PAEA): which consists of curtailing outside interference from the federal government & puts parents involved in their children's education in public schools.

Friday, July 27th, 1984: The 1984 Louisiana World Exposition Fair in New Orleans, LA is being criticized for holding the expo just two years following the 1982 World's Fair in Knoxville, TN. Analysts believed the timing of the 1984 Louisiana World Exposition was badly ill-timed & off because of coinciding with the 1984 Summer Olympics. New Orleans Mayor Ernest N. Morial (D) & LA Governor Edwin Edwards (D) including several high-profile business & economic leaders believe the 1984 World's Fair could be helped financially giving the Pelican State much-needed financial windfalls & economic boom.

Saturday, July 28th, 1984: The 1984 Summer Olympics begins in Los Angeles, CA & would continue until August 12th. US President George H.W. Bush attends the Opening Ceremony, where he announced the opening of the Summer Olympics at the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum, the home football stadium of the University of Southern California Trojans Football Team.

Sunday, July 29th, 1984: United States Senator Paul Laxalt (R-NV) has been retained by US President George H.W. Bush to serve as the chairman of the Bush reelection campaign along with Ed Rollins as Campaign Director & Lee Atwater as Deputy Campaign Director. The moves come as President Bush's reelection campaign begins airing TV advertising commercials during the 1984 Summer Olympics.

Monday, July 30th, 1984: Allegations which engulfed former OMB Budget Director Bert Lance's tenure during his time with the Jerry Brown administration, has exploded once again with accusations that Mr. Lance was involved with violating federal & state banking laws. United States Senator & presumptive Democratic Party presidential nominee Edward M. Kennedy (D-MA) is debating whether to have Lance remain as Chairman of the Democratic National Committee because of the upcoming 1984 DNC Convention expected to take place sometime next month in San Francisco, CA.

Tuesday, July 31st, 1984: Pope Carlos I goes on a 11-nation tour: Indonesia, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Syria, Turkey, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Philippines & India. This is likely to be one of the longest Papal international trips by the Brazilian Pontiff.

Coming Up: More National & International Segments from the Summer of 1984.
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National & International Segments (Summer 1984: Part XXII)
Wednesday, August 1st, 1984: Former US President Jerry Brown confirms he'll be addressing the 1984 Democratic National Convention in San Francisco, CA this month. This is his first public appearance since his humiliating defeat in the 1982 CA US Senate election.

The Australian banks are officially deregulated according to the Australian Department of the Treasury.

Thursday, August 2nd, 1984: US Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger warns that the Nicaraguan government could start World War III if they allow Soviet missiles & warships into Central America. The deterioration of diplomatic relations between Washington, DC & Mangua have escalated since the 1979 Sandinista Revolution overthrew the regime of then-Nicaraguan President Anastacio Somoza.

Friday, August 3rd, 1984: Former US First Lady Linda Ronstadt-Brown meets with Pope Carlos I during special courtesy call in Tokyo, Japan.

United States Senator Wilson Riles (D-CA) holds campaign rally with United States Senator & presumptive Democratic Party presidential nominee Edward M. Kennedy (D-MA) on the campus of the University of Washington in Seattle, WA St. Senator Kennedy is in the midst of a campaign swing through the West Coast.

Saturday, August 4th, 1984: The African republic, Upper Volta changes its name to Burkina Faso.

Sunday, August 5th, 1984: US President George H.W. Bush & US First Lady Barbara Bush are interviewed by David Brinkley during a special televised exclusive from the White House on ABC's 'This Week'.

Monday, August 6th, 1984: Sources indicated that President Bush will announce his pick for the Vice Presidency during the 1984 GOP National Convention in Dallas, TX. However, Bush is said to be holding the VP pick close to the vest. Among the rumored potential names for the Vice Presidency: Former MI Governor William Milliken (R), PA Governor Richard Thornburgh (R), United States Senators Robert J. Dole (R-KS) & Jeremiah Denton (R-AL) including MO Governor Kit Bond (R).

Tuesday, August 7th, 1984: Mexican President General Oscar Robles signs the Deregulation Tax Cuts & Jobs Act of 1984 into law, which guts all government regulations across the board & throughout all of Mexico's 31 states.

Wednesday, August 8th, 1984: MN Governor Rudy Perpich (D) meets with United States Senator & presumptive Democratic Party presidential nominee Edward M. Kennedy (D-MA) at the MN Statehouse Building in St. Paul, MN. Senator Kennedy is courting support from many of the Democratic US State & Territory Governors.

Thursday, August 9th, 1984: GOP-controlled United States Senate overwhelmingly votes to confirm Anne Armstrong as the next US Ambassador to the United Nations by a vote of 83-19. Mrs. Armstrong is sworn into office by US Secretary of State George P. Shultz soon afterwards.

Friday, August 10th, 1984: United States Senator Juan H. Cintron Garcia (D-PR) warns that incumbent US President George H.W. Bush could potentially sweep all 51 states if the Democrats don't take President Bush's reelection campaign seriously. Senator Garcia's comments come as polling shows the incumbent GOP President leading Senator Kennedy by 43 percentage points in head-to-head matchups.

Saturday, August 11th, 1984: Barefoot South African runner Zola Budd & Mary Decker of the United States collide during the Olympic 3,000 meters final; This results in neither Budd & Decker finishing as medalists.

Sunday, August 12th, 1984: IL Governor Big Jim Thompson (R) & LA Governor Edwin Edwards (D) interviewed on CBS' 'Face The Nation'.

Coming Up: Highlights of the 1984 Democratic National Convention in San Francisco, CA.
1984 Democratic National Convention in San Francisco, CA (Summer 1984: Part XXIII)
Monday, August 13th-Thursday, August 16th, 1984
George Moscone Convention Center
San Francisco, CA

The 1984 Democratic National Convention in San Francisco was quite the intriguing political affair during the midpoint of the 1984 Presidential campaign. There were fiery seconding speeches from folks such as Washington, DC Mayor Marion Barry (D), former Congresswoman Elizabeth Holtzman (D-NY St) & Congresswoman Barbara Boxer (D-CA).

Among the main speakers:
*Rev. Jesse Jackson, who delivered a fiery passionate speech during the Democratic National Convention defending his campaign's efforts of expanding the Democratic Party by bringing in new voters & hints at another campaign for the Democratic Party presidential nomination in 1988.

*US House Speaker Jim Wright (D-TX 12th) delivered a fiery passionate speech blasting the Bush administration's policies including attacking the disastrous handling of foreign policy initiatives including the controversial secretive economic policies.

*KY Governor Martha Layne Collins (D) served as the Chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee during the 1984 Democratic National Convention.

*WV Governor Jay Rockefeller (D), whose running for the United States Senate, attacked the Bush administration's domestic policy & foreign policy quagmires such as Nicaragua & Panama. Rockefeller also blasts the Reaganomics Tax Cuts & Jobs Act of 1981.

*Former NY St Governor Mario Cuomo (D), running for the United States Senate in the 1984 special election, delivered the Keynote Address.

Day III: August 15th, 1984
Acceptance Speech from Congresswoman Geraldine Ferraro (D-NY St 09th)


During the 3rd day of the 1984 Democratic National Convention, Congresswoman Geraldine Ferraro (D-NY St 09th) delivered her acceptance speech as the Democratic Party Vice Presidential nominee before the packed attendees inside the Moscone Convention Center.

Congresswoman Ferraro: "By choosing a woman to run for our nation's second highest office, you send a powerful signal to all Americans: Then are no doors we cannot unlock. We will place no limits on achievement. If we can do this, we can do anything.

Tonight, we reclaim our dream. We're going to make the rules of American life work fairly for all Americans again. To an Administration that would have us debate all over again whether the Voting Rights Act of 1965 should be renewed, and whether segregated schools should be tax exempt, we say, Mr. President: Those debates are over. On the issue of civil rights, voting rights, and affirmative action for minorities, we must NOT go backwards. We must-and we will- move forward to open the doors of opportunity.

To those who understand that our country cannot prosper unless we draw on the talents of all Americans, we say: We will pass the Equal Rights Amendment.

The issue is not what America can do for women, but what women can do for America.

To the Americans who will lead our country into the 21st Century, we say: We will not have a Supreme Court that turns the clock back to the 19th Century.

To those concerned about the strength of American and family values, as I am, I say: We are going to restore those values-love, caring, partnership-by including, not excluding, those whose beliefs differ from our own. Because our own faith is strong, we will fight to preserve the freedom of faith for others.

To those working Americans who fear that banks, utilities, and large special interests have a lock on the White House, we say: Join us; let's elect a people's President: and let's have government by and for the American people again.

To an Administration that would scourge student loans and education at the dawn of a new technological age; we say: You fit the definition of a cyncic: you know the price of everything, but the value of nothing.

To our students and their parents, we say: We will insist on the higher standards of excellence, because the jobs of the future require skilled minds. To young Americans, who may be called to our country's service, we say: We know your generation will proudly answer our country's call, as each generation before you.

This past year, we remembered the bravery and sacrifice of Americans at Normandy. And we finally paid tribute-as we should have done years ago-to that Unknown Soldier who represents all the brave young Americans who died in Vietnam and Panama. Let no one doubt: we will defend America's security and the cause of freedom around the world. But we want a President who tells us what America's fighting for, not just what we are fighting against.

We will want a President who defend human rights, not just where it is convenient, but wherever freedom is at risk from Mexico to Afghanistan, from Poland to South Africa. To those who have watched this administration's confusion in the Middle East, as it has tilted first toward one and then another of Israel's long-time enemies and wonder "Will America stand by her friends and sister democracy?" We say: America knows who her friends are in the Middle East and around the world. America will stand with Israel always.

Finally, we want a President who will keep America strong, but use that strength to keep America and the world at peace. A nuclear freeze is not a slogan; it is a tool for survival in the nuclear age. If we leave our children nothing else, let us leave them this Earth as we found it: whole and green and full of life.

I know Edward Kennedy will be that President.

A wise man once said, "Every one of us is given the gift of life, and what a strange gift it is. If it is preserved jealously and selfishly, it impoverishes and saddens. But if it is spent for others, it enriches and beautifies," My fellow Americans, we can debate policies and programs, but in the end what separates the two parties in this election campaign is whether we use the gift of life for others or only ourselves.

Tonight, my husband, John and our three children are in this hall with me. To my daughters, Donna and Laura, and my son, John Junior, I say: My mother dd not break faith with me, and I will not break faith with you.

To all the children of America, I say: The generation before ours kept faith with us, and I am proud that we will pass on to you a stronger, more greater America.

Thank you."

Coming Up: Senator Kennedy delivers his acceptance speech as the Democratic Party presidential nominee.
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1984 Democratic National Convention in San Francisco, CA (Summer 1984: Part XXIV)
Thursday, August 16th, 1984
Day IV: Highlights from the Democratic National Convention

Today was the big day for United States Senator Edward M. Kennedy (D-MA), who delivered a fiery speech before the Democratic faithful during the 4th day at the 1984 Democratic National Convention in San Francisco. Here's some excerpts of Senator Kennedy's acceptance speech as the Democratic Party presidential nominee.

Senator Kennedy: "Mr. Bush believes the genius of America is in the boardrooms and exclusive country clubs. I believe that the greatness can be found in the men and women who built our nation; do it's work and defend our freedom.

If this administration has a plan for a better future, they're keeping it a secret.

Here's the truth about the future: We are living on borrowed money and borrowed time. These deficits, hike interests rates, clobber exports, stunt investment, kill jobs, undermine growth, cheating our kids, and shrinking our future.

Whoever is inaugurated on January 20th, 1985, the American people will have to pay Mr. Bush's bills. The budget will squeezed. Taxes will go up. And anyone who says they won't is not telling the truth to the American people.

I mean business. By the end of my first term, I will reduce the Bush budget deficit by two-thirds.

Let's tell the truth. It must be done, it must be done. Mr. Bush will raise taxes and so will I. He won't tell you. I just did.

There's another difference between President Bush and myself. When Mr. Bush raises taxes, it won't be done fairly. He will sock it to average-income families again, and leave his wealthy rich friends alone. And I won't stand for it, and neither will you and neither will the American people.

To the corporations and freeloaders who play the loopholes or pay no taxes, my message is: Your free ride is over!

To the Congress, my message is: We must cut spending and pay as we go. If you don't hold the line, I will: That's what the veto is for.

Now that's my plan to cutting the defici. Mr. Bush is keeping his plan secret until after the election. That's not leadership; that's salesmanship. And I think the American people know the difference.

I challenge tonight, I challenge Mr. Bush to put his plan on the table next to mine-and then let's debate it on national television before the American people. Americans want the truth about the future-not after the election.

When the American economy leads the world, the jobs are here. The prosperity is here for our children. But that's not what's happening today. This is the worst trade year in American history. Three million of our best jobs have gone overseas.

Mr. Bush has done nothing about it. They have no plan to get our competitive edge back. But we do. We will cut the deficits, reducing interest rates, make our exports affordable, and make America number one again in the world economy.

We will launch a major renaissance in education, in science, and learning. A mind is a terrible thing to waste. And this must be the best-educated, best-trained generation in American history. And I will lead our nation forward to the best system that this nation has ever seen. We must do it, we must do it.

It is time for America to have a season of excellence. Parents must turn off that television; students must do their homework; teachers must teach; and America compete. We'll be number one if we follow these rules; let's get with it in America again.

To the big companies that send our jobs overseas, my message is: We need these jobs here at home. And our country won't help your business-unless your business helps our country.

To countries that close their markets to us, my message is: We will not be pushed around any more. We will have a President who stands up for American workers and American businesses and American farmers in international trade.

When I grew up, and people asked us to imagine the future we were full of dreams. But a few months ago, when I visited a grade school class in Texas and asked the children to imagine the future, they talked to me about nuclear war.

As we've neared the election, this administration has begun to talk about a safer world. But there's a big difference: As President, I will work for peace from my first day in office-and not from my first day campaigning for reelection.

As President, I will reassert American values. I'll press for human rights in Central America and for the removal of all foreign forces from the region. And in my first 100 days, I will stop the illegal war in Nicaragua.

We know the deep differences with the Soviets. And America condemns their repression of dissidents and Jews; their supression of Solidarity; their invasion of Afghanistan; their meddling around the world.

But the truth is that between us, we have the capacity to destroy the planet. Every President since the bomb went off understood that and talked with the Soviets and negotiated arms control. Why has this administration failed? Why haven't they tried? Why can't they understand the cries of Americans and human beings for sense and sanity in control of these God awful weapons? Why, why?

Why can't we meet in summit conferences with the Soviet Union at least once a year? Why can't we reach agreements to save this Earth? The truth is, we can.

President Kennedy was right when he said, "We must never negotiate out of fear. But we must never fear to negotiate for the sake of civilization we must negotiate a mutual, verifiable nuclear freeze before these weapons doom us all.

The second term of the Kennedy-Ferraro Administration will begin on January 20th, 1989.

By the start of the next decade, I want to our children their dreams, and hear not any word about nuclear nightmares.

By the start of the next decade, I want to walk into any classroom in America and hear some of the brightest students say, "I want to be a teacher."

By the start of the next decade, I want to walk into any public health clinic in America, and hear the doctor say "We haven't seen a hungry child this year."

By the start of the next decade, I want to walk into any store in America, and pick up the best product, of the best quality, at the best price; and turn it over, and read "Made in the USA."

By the start of the next decade, I want to meet with the most successful business leaders anywhere in America, and see as many minorities and women in that room as I see here in this room this evening.

By the start of the next decade, I want to point to the Supreme Court and say, "Justice is in good hands."

Before the start of the next decade, I want to go to my second Inaugural, and raise my right hand, and swear to "preserve, protect and defend " a Constitution that includes the Equal Rights Amendment.

My friends, America is a future each generation must enlarge: a door each generation must open; a promise each generation must keep.

For the rest of my life, I want to talk to young people about their future.

And whatever their race, whatever their religion, whatever their sex, I want to hear some of them say what I say-with joy and reverance-tonight: :I want to be President of the United States".

Thank you."
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National & International Segments (Summer 1984: Part XXV)
Friday, August 17th, 1984: The Democratic National Convention concludes with the Kennedy-Ferraro ticket coming out of the convention determined despite polling surveys showing an uphill battle, that political analysts strongly stating unlikely to be successful. Kennedy's address to the convention was well-received by Democrats & the public at large, but there's still questions regarding Senator Kennedy's foreign policy proposals which are undergoing heavy scrutiny. Senator Kennedy kicks off the campaign for a full-scale barnstorming tour of the Midwest including campaigning in MI, OH, WI, MN & IL in particular, while Congresswoman Ferraro is dispatched to campaign in the Northeast, holding rallies in Albany, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh & Newark; plus she will also be holding campaign rallies in the South with stops in Wilmington, Baltimore, Miami, Raleigh, New Orleans.

Pete Rose returns to the Cincinnati Reds as player-manager & gets 2 hits.

Saturday, August 18th, 1984: Triangle Oil Corporation, above-ground storage tank in Jacksonville, FL spilled 2.5 million gallons of oil burned following a lightning strike, which caused a fire.

Sunday, August 19th, 1984: 1984 PGA Championship: In the PGA Championship Men's Golf, Shoal Creek: Lee Trevino wins his 2nd PGA championship by four shots, defeating Gary Player & Lanny Wadkins.

Monday, August 20th, 1984: Large protests from angry parents, students & PTA organizations against the controversial education reforms of TX Governor Mark W. White, Jr., (D)'s 'No-Pass, No-Play' policy known as the Educational Opportunity Act, HB-72 which was recently passed by both chambers of the TX State Legislature during a special session this Summer.

Tuesday, August 21st, 1984: About half a million people in Manila demonstrated against the authoritarian regime of Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos on the first year anniversary of the assassination of former Philippine Senator Benigno Aquino, Jr., on August 21st, 1983.

Chilean President Major General Gerald Enriquez & US Secretary of State George P. Shultz hold talks in Santiago over a wide range of issues of foreign policy issues. While Enriquez has some policy alternatives in mind, he reassures Shultz that he's looking toward an "evolution" of Chile's growing role in the world in the aftermath of the Civil War (1978-1981) which ended in a negotiated settlement with Argentina along with diplomatic solutions during the Reagan administration in the Summer of 1981.

Wednesday, August 22nd, 1984: White House Chief of Staff Jim Baker appears on 'The Fighting Patriot' for what the Hughes Network promised would be a softball interview with the upcoming 1984 Republican National Convention in Dallas, TX coming up. Instead, former US Vice President Spiro Agnew gives Baker a full-scale lecture on loyalty & accuses him & US President George H.W. Bush of betraying the foreign policy achievements of the late US President Ronald Reagan. Baker endures Agnew's rants & continues focusing on promoting the Bush reelection campaign ahead of the upcoming convention.

The United Democratic Front, an internal coalition of anti-apartheid groups in South Africa, organizes a highly successful boycotts of the Colored & Indian elections to the South African Parliament.

Thursday, August 23rd, 1984: Portuguese President General Winfield Gonsalves arrives in Jerusalem, Israel for the first of a five-day State Visit. He's also expected to address the Knesset & delivering a major address on the special diplomatic relationship between the two nations.

Friday, August 24th, 1984: Pat Bradley sets LPGA record of 9 holes with a 28 during the Second Round of the Columbia Savings National at Green Gables in Denver, CO.

Saturday, August 25th, 1984: The Soviet Union performs an underground nuclear test, causing international tension around the world.

Sunday, August 26th, 1984: AL Governor George Wallace (D) confirms he'll be endorsing incumbent President George H.W. Bush for reelection in the 1984 US presidential election over fellow Democrat, United States Senator Edward M. Kennedy (D-MA), whom Governor Wallace says the Senator's policy proposals are just too liberal & too much big government. Wallace also predicts more Democrats could potentially cross over & supporting President Bush's reelection campaign.

Monday, August 27th, 1984: The Republican National Convention opens at the Dallas Convention Center in Dallas, TX. The first day is dominated by platform committee hearings, which are far less-divisive than during the recent Democratic National Convention. The platform is quickly ironed out, with additional pro-life planks being included along with stronger right-to-life amendments to the Constitution. The keynote address was delivered by US Treasurer Katherine Ortega.

Tuesday, August 28th, 1984: On Night Two of the Republican National Convention, US Transportation Secretary Elizabeth Dole, US Ambassador to the United Nations Anne Armstrong, Congressman Jack Kemp (R-NY St 31st) & NY St Governor Happy Rockefeller (R). Following the tradition started by then-US First Lady Pat Nixon in 1972, US First Lady Barbara Bush addresses the convention.

Wednesday, August 29th, 1984: The delegates unanimously nominates the Bush-Milliken ticket by accalmation during the third day of the Republican National Convention after having voted to suspending the rules on the insistence of IL Governor Big Jim Thompson (R). That evening, former MI Governor William Millken (R) delivers his acceptance speech to the convention, where he speaks of his experiences in World War II serving in the United States Army including his years of public service in the MI State Senate from District 27 (1961-1965), 54th Lieutenant Governor of MI (January 1st, 1965 to January 22nd, 1969) & 44th Governor of MI (January 22nd, 1969 to January 1st, 1983).

As President Bush prepares to deliver his remarks to the Republican National Convention, focus turns on one figure who is conspiciously absent-former US First Lady Nancy Reagan. Mrs. Reagan is known to have a hostile relationship with the Bushes, particularly the President & First Lady for unspecified reasons. However, sources indicate she will be voting for the Bush-Milliken ticket in November.

Thursday, August 30th, 1984
Dallas Convention Center
Dallas, TX

President Bush:
"Mr. Chairman, Madame Chairman. Thank you very much. Madame Chairman and my fellow Republicans, and my fellow Americans.

I accept your nomination for the Presidency of the United States and the honor and challenge it represents.

Four years ago, when I accepted your nomination for Vice President-four years ago in Detroit, I pledged my total dedication and energies to support our President and that was a very easy pledge to keep. In 1980, America needed Governor Reagan in the White House to restore power to the grassroots and to give the American people fresh hope and a new beginning. Even though, we as a nation, are still mourning the loss of President Reagan less than one month ago, we will make sure that the accomplishments and achievements that made America strong under his presidency, will remain so for the foreseeable future.

In 1984, Americans want us to finish the job on what we started, to keeping this country moving forward. But we can't move forward-we can't move forward if we have a majority in Congress that wants to go back.

With your all-out effort, we will maintain control of the United States Senate, and we'll get a House of Representatives that will move forward with yours truly along with the next Vice President, Governor William Milliken and the party of the future, not backward with Jim Wright and the party of the past. For over half a century, the liberal Democrats have pursued this philosophy of tax and spend, tax and spend. And, sure enough, out of that Moscone Center in San Francisco, that temple of doom, came Senator Kennedy's first promise, a solemn promise to raise everyone's taxes. 'Message from Dallas'.

Well, Senator Kennedy calls this promise to raise taxes a lot of courage-an act of courage. But it wasn't courage, it was just habit, because he is a gold-medal winner when it comes to increasing the tax burden of the American people.

Well, with strong support in Congress, cut tax rates across the board for every single American, and we will keep those tax rates cut.

And the message the American people got from San Francisco was, "We'll raise your taxes."

But our message from Dallas is: The American people want less spending-less regulation, and not more taxes.

They want to keep America's dynamic economy strong.

They want to reduce the deficits by making government more efficient, holding the line on spending, and through economic growth.

And as for a balanced budget, our message is this: Let the big spenders in Congress step aside. Give us the balanced budget amendment.

Give us the line-item veto and watch this President can do.

I heard that speaker in San Francisco last month exhorting his fellow Democrats with the cry, "Our time has come; our time has come."
"Your Time Has Passed."

The American people have a message for the tax raisers, the free spenders, the excess regulators, the government-knows-best handwringers, those who would promise every special interest group everything, and that message is this: "Your Time Has Passed."

No matter how your rhetoric-no matter how your rhetoric tries to move away from your voting record, no matter how hard you try to turn your back on Jerry Brown, no matter how much you now talk about family values, this country will not retreat.. You've had your chance. Your time has passed.

We've turned this country's economy around. Since we came into office, productivity is up; personal savings are up; consumer spending is up; housing starts are up; take-home pay is up; inflation, the cruelest tax of all, is down, and more Americans are at work than any time in the history of the United States. 'And That's a Fact'.

More Americans are enjoying our country because our parks are cleaner and our air is purer. Under this administration, more lands have been acquired for parks, more for wilderness. The quality of life is better. And that's a fact.

You know-more Americans are giving to help others. Private contributions in that great tradition of neighbor helping neighbor are up. And that's a fact.

And at the same time-at the same time-government help for the truly needy is up. The Social Security system has been strengthened and saved by this administration's leadership and a truly bipartisan effort in Congress.

More Americans-more Americans now have a chance for quality education. Test scores are up in our schools. In striving for excellence, we have re-emphasized fundamentals. We believe in teaching kids to read, and to write, and to add and to subtract. We believe in classroom discipline and in merit pay for teachers. We believe in local control of schools and we believe kids should not be prohibited from prayer. And that's a fact.

We're waging all-out war against narcotics in our schools, in our neighborhoods and across the land. We will not rest until American society is free from the threat of drug pushers, and that's a fact.

More Americans are safe. Crime is down, and that's a fact.

Governor Milliken and I think it's time that we worried less about the criminals and more about the victims of crime.

As for our judicial system, it has always been my view that the Supreme Court should not be all caught up and involved in the political arena. But, since the Democrats made this an issue in San Francisco, let me say that the American people want a Supreme Court that will interpret the Constitution, and not legislate.

We heard that liberal convention in San Francisco attack the legitimacy of the Supreme Court. But let the record shows that Sandra Day O'Connor is an outstanding Justice. And that's a fact. Rights of Americans.

And, one more fact,-one more fact-and let this be heard loud and clear: This administration has protected and will continue to protect the rights of all Americans. Discrimination based on race, religion, sex or age will never be tolerated by this President nor Governor Milliken as the next Vice President. And, furthermore, we condemn the vicious anti-Semitism of Louis Farrakhan and the ugly bigotry of the Ku Klux Klan.

Of course, problems remain. Of course problems remain, and yes, there's still much to be done to provide opportunity for those Americans that truly need help. But the answer doesn't lie in going back to the "malaise" days of Brown and Carter.

The answer doesn't lie in Senator Kennedy's new spending programs, programs that John Glenn estimated would cost up to $170 billion more, or in Kennedy's deficits that Fritz Hollings estimated at $400 billion. It doesn't lie in the programs of a man that Gary Hart called "mush".

Instead, the answer lies in a dynamic private sector that provides jobs-jobs with dignity. The answer lies in limited government and unlimited confidence in the American people.

Just as there is a new confidence, a new optimism, there is new confidence in US leadership around the world. Since then, I've gone to 59 countries, talked to the leaders of those countries and to many other foreign leaders who have come here. 'Era of Vacillation.'

Forgotten is the Brown-Carter era of vacillation, of weakness, of lecturing to our friends and then letting them down.

In this hemisphere, when 1,000 American lives were threatened and when four small Caribbean countries called out for US support to give democracy a change, we acted.

And I don't care what Ted Kennedy says about it or what Jim Wright says about it. Grenada was a proud moment in the history of the United States of America.

Because we stood firm in defense of freedom, America has regained respect throughout the world. And, because we made America stronger, chances for world peace, true, lasting peace, are stronger.

Our European alliance has never been more solid. More countries in Central and South America have turned to democracy since we came into office. Thirteen Latin American countries have held democratic elections since 1980.

We have strengthened our friendships with countries in the Pacific. We are doing more to foster democratic change and to help the hungry in Africa. We are reaching out to more countries in the Middle East, and our strategic relations with Israel have never been stronger.

And, one last point-one last point on foreign affairs. No apology for America.

I was proud to serve with a President, who worked for peace.
And I was proud to have served with a President, who didn't go around apologizing for the United States of America.

Since ascending to the Presidency under difficult unforeseen circumstances, I've had the opportunity to make tough decisions and that's real leadership of a President in action. No longer do we read and hear stories about the job of President being too big for any one person. Gone are the days of blaming the American people for what was really a failure not of the people, but of our national leadership.

Four years ago, we came into office to restore our economy, expand opportunity for all Americans and secure a lasting peace.

Much has been done. Much remains to be done. But this we know: More Americans today believe we have strong, principled, firm leadership in the White House.

This is the message we will take from this convention, a message of optimism, a message of hope.

Three decades ago, a great American President stood on the Capitol steps and made his second inaugural address. 'The Light of Freedom'.

"May we pursue the right without self-righteousness," said Dwight Eisenhower. "May we know unity without conformity."
"May we grow in strength without pride in self."
"May we, in our dealings with all the people of the earth, ever speak truth and serve justice."
And, finally, said President Eisenhower, "May the light of freedom flame brightly, until at last the darkness is no more."

Now, as in President Eisenhower's last day, these words reflect the true spirit and aspirations of the American people.

May we continue to keep the light of freedom burning and may we continue to move forward in the next four years, on the high road to peace, prosperity and opportunity united together.

Thank you all very, very much."

Friday, August 31st, 1984: The first Gallup polling survey of the 1984 Presidential election has been released.
1984 Presidential Election (Gallup)

President George H.W. Bush (R-incumbent): 57%
Senator Edward M. Kennedy (D-MA): 37%
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National & International Segments (Fall 1984: Part XXVI)
Saturday, September 1st, 1984: The Associated Press reported both the Bush & Kennedy campaigns confirmed there will be three debates: Two Presidential debates between President Bush & Senator Kennedy set for October 7th in Louisville, KY & October 21st in Kansas City, MO while the only Vice Presidential debate between Governor Milliken & Congresswoman Ferraro will be held on October 11th in Philadelphia, PA.

Sunday, September 2nd, 1984: Seven people are shot to death; 12 others wounded in the Miperra massacre: Shootout between rival motorcycle gangs between Bandidos vs. Commoners in Sydney, Australia.

Monday, September 3rd, 1984: Paraguayan President Lieutenant General Jackson Ballasteros signs the Paraguayan Economic Investment Development Act of 1984 into law: this will have a huge economic boom across the South American nation.

Tuesday, September 4th, 1984: The Progressive Conservative Party of Canada led by Brian Mulroney, wins 211 seats in the House of Commons of Canada, making it the largest majority government in Canadian history.

Wednesday, September 5th, 1984: STS-41-D: Space Shuttle Challenger lands following its maiden voyage at Edwards AFB in CA.

Thursday, September 6th, 1984: Pope Carlos I arrives in Tokyo, Japan for a five-day Papal pilgrimage.

Friday, September 7th, 1984: Explosion on board of a Maltese patrol boat disposing illegal fireworks at sea off Gozo kills 7 soldiers & policemen.

Saturday, September 8th, 1984: Pope Carlos I meets with Japanese Prime Minister Yasuhuro Nakasone at the Prime Minister's Residence for special Courtesy Call. The Brazilian pontiff will also meet with Emperor Hirohito & Empress Michiko of Japan.

Sunday, September 9th, 1984: US Justice Department led by US Attorney for Southern Louisiana John Volz is investigating illegal campaign finance violations with allocation of government contracts inside LA state government. The investigations could become politically problematic for LA Governor Edwin Edwards (D).

Monday, September 10th, 1984: Former Surinamian President Jorge Hendricks debuts long memoirs about his presidency & accomplishments of his administration during autograph signing ceremony in the Netherlands.

Tuesday, September 11th, 1973: Hundreds of Chileans quietly hold candlelight vigils commemorating the 11th anniversary of the death of Chilean President Salvador Allende & secretly hold voiceless demonstrations against the 11th anniversary of the US-backed military coup.

Wednesday, September 12th, 1984: Pope Carlos I arrives in Thailand for the beginning of a weeklong Papal pilgrimage.
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National & International Segments (Fall 1984: Part XXVII)
Thursday, September 13th, 1984: Pope Carlos I holds one of the largest Papal pilgrimage masses in Bangkok, Thailand with an estimated 73,000+ in attendance at the King Bhumibol Royal Stadium.

Friday, September 14th, 1984: P.W. Botha inaugurated as the 6th State President of South Africa.

Saturday, September 15th, 1984: United States Senator Morris Udall (D-AZ) says in an interview with the Arizona Republic that he'll make a decision about whether or not he'll be seeking reelection to 1st full 6-year term in the 1986 elections following the 1984 Presidential election.

Sunday, September 16th, 1984: Edgar Regis film series 'Heimat' is released in Germany.

Monday, September 17th, 1984: Brian Mulroney is sworn into office as Prime Minister of Canada.

Tuesday, September 18th, 1984: Joe Kotenuger becomes the first person to cross the Atlantic solo in a hot air balloon.

Wednesday, September 19th, 1984: US President George H.W. Bush holds campaign rally with two-term incumbent United States Senator Jesse Helms (R-NC) in Fayetteville, NC. Helms is seeking reelection to 3rd term against Democratic challenger, NC Governor Jim Hunt (D) in the NC US Senate election.

Thursday, September 20th, 1984: Hezbollah car-bombs the US Embassy Annex in Beirut, Lebanon; killing 24 people.

Friday, September 21st, 1984: US Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger arrives in Cairo, Egypt, where he meets with Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak discussing the latest developments in Operation Cowboy including unspecified ongoing developments.

Saturday, September 22nd, 1984: Mexican President General Oscar Robles begins the first of his seven-day State Visit to Taiwan, where he'll be meeting with Taiwanese President Chiang Ching-kuo & hold joint news conference highlighting the bilateral diplomatic relations between the two nations.

Sunday, September 23rd, 1984: United States Senator Edward M. Kennedy (D-MA) is interviewed by David Brinkley during a special televised exclusive from Denver, CO on ABC's 'This Week with David Brinkley'. Senator Kennedy discussed policy proposals & initiatives he plans on pursuing if elected in November.

Monday, September 24th, 1984: United States Senator Alan J. Dixon (D-IL) holds campaign fundraiser with Congressman Paul Simon (D-IL) in Springfield, IL. Simon is running for the United States Senate against three-term incumbent United States Senator Charles Percy (R-IL).

Tuesday, September 25th, 1984: The Bush Reelection Campaign Committee runs controversial TV advertising commercials detailing "Family Values" that blasted the personal failings of United States Senator Edward M. Kennedy (D-MA), the Democratic Party presidential nominee. The commercials continue running throughout the entire week, which attracts controversy & backlash.
National & International Segments (Fall 1984: Part XXVIII)
Wednesday, September 26th, 1984: United States Senator Edward M. Kennedy (D-MA)'s presidential campaign hits back with hard-hitting negative advertising commercials detailing the Bush administration's disastrous domestic & economic policies blasting the 1981 Economic Recovery Act, which was signed by then-US President Ronald Reagan. Kennedy also attacked Bush's hypocrisy of Reaganomics by bringing up video segments of Bush mentioning "Voodoo Economics".

Thursday, September 27th, 1984: Demonstrations instigated by conservative segments of the Colombian Army, consisting of middle-class Colombians held mass demonstrations in Bogota, Colombia calling for the resignation of flamboyant Colombian President Lieutenant General Seymour Quintero, who has steadfastly refused to resign from office, preferring to seek reelection to 3rd term in 1986.

Former Argentinian President Isabel Peron resigned as chairman of the Justicialist Party due to political chaotic instability inside the Peronist Movement including different factions amongst Justicialists.

Friday, September 28th, 1984: US President George H.W. Bush signs the Voting Accessibility for the Elderly & Handicapped Act into law.

Saturday, September 29th, 1984: Pope Carlos I arrives in Sydney, Australia: The Brazilian pontiff will also be visiting Canberra & other cities in the Oceanic nation.

Sunday, September 30th, 1984: Paraguayan President Lieutenant General Jackson Ballasteros announced he's seeking reelection to 2nd full 5-year term in 1988 & he's designating his wife, Paraguayan First Lady Erika Ballasteros as his Vice President in the 1988 elections. Ballasteros has since consolidated his control throughout the entire South American nation since ascending to the Presidency in December 1982.
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National & International Segments (Fall 1984: Part XXIX)
Monday, October 1st, 1984: US President George H.W. Bush aggressively goes on a full-scale campaign blitz through the South in several states: DE [where President Bush is campaigning with DE Governor Pete du Pont (R), whose campaigning for the United States Senate against two-term incumbent United States Senator Joe Biden (D-DE], MD, KY, WV, VA & NC. In the meantime, former MI Governor William Milliken (R), the Republican Party Vice Presidential nominee, is campaigning in the Southwestern states: NV, NM, AZ, CO.

Democratic Party presidential nominee United States Senator Edward M. Kennedy (D-MA) holds campaign rally in downtown Jackson, MS with MS Governor Bill Allain (D). Congresswoman Geraldine Ferraro (D-NY 09th) goes on a campaign blitz in the Midwestern states: MO, IA, MI, WI, MN & IL.

Tuesday, October 2nd, 1984: United States Senator Juan H. Cintron Garcia (D-PR) holds campaign fundraiser with United States Senator Edward M. Kennedy (D-MA), the Democratic Party presidential nominee at the Munoz Hotel in San Juan, Puerto Rico while Senator Kennedy is barnstorming across the Commonwealth.

Joan Kennedy, the estranged ex-wife of Senator Kennedy, blows the whistle on her ex-husband's disgusting behavior behind closed doors during their chaotic marriage in an exclusive tell-all interview with 'The Informer'. She details how Kennedy violently beat her in heated arguments, domestic violence disputes, etc.,

Wednesday, October 3rd, 1984: US Secretary of State George P. Shultz meets with Chilean President Major General Gerald Enriquez, Paraguayan President Lieutenant General Jackson Ballasteros & Brazilian President Joao Figueriedo in undisclosed top secret meeting presumably discussing the explosive situation in Colombia & figuring out how to take down flamboyant Colombian President Lieutenant General Seymour Quintero.

Thursday, October 4th, 1984: Tim Macartney-Snape & Gregory Morvinur became the first Australians to reach the sphere of Mount Everest.

Friday, October 5th, 1984: BTS-41-G: Marc Garneaux becomes the first Canadian in space; aboard the Space Shuttle Challenger.

Saturday, October 6th, 1984: Mexican President General Oscar Robles hosts the Episcopalian archbishops at the National Palace in downtown Mexico City, Mexico: Robles converted to Episcopalian less than two years ago following ugly falling out with the Roman Catholic Church due to the controversial Operation Michel.

Sunday, October 7th, 1984: San Antonio Mayor Henry Cisneros (D) & IA Governor Terry Branstad (R) interviewed in separate interviews on NBC's 'Meet The Press' discussing the upcoming VP debate between Governor Milliken & Congresswoman Ferraro, which is set for October 11th.

Coming Up: Highlights of the 1st Presidential debate between President Bush & Senator Kennedy.
Highlights of the 1st Presidential Debate
The First Presidential Debate
Sunday, October 7th, 1984
Kentucky Center for the Arts
Louisville, KY

Fred Barnes:
"It sounds as if you are saying you think this group of taxpayers making 25,000 to 45,000 a year is already overtaxed, yet your tax proposal would increase their taxes. I think your aides have said those earning about 25,000 to 35,000, their tax rate would go up-their tax bill would go up a hundred dollars, and from 35,000 to 45,000, more than that, several hundred dollars. Wouldn't that stifle their incentive to work and invest and so on, and also hurt the economy?"

Senator Kennedy: "The first thing is, everybody 25,000 and under would have no tax increase.

President Bush, after this election, is going to have to propose a tax increase, and you will have to compare what he proposes. And his Secretary of the Treasury said he's studying a sales tax or a value-added tax. They're the same thing. They hit the middle-and-moderate income Americans and leave wealthy Americans largely untouched.

Up until about $70,000, as you go up the ladder, my proposals will be far more beneficial. As soon as we get the economy on a sound ground as well, I'd like to see the total repeal of indexing. I don't think we can do that for a few years. But at some point, we want to do that as well."

Mr. Barnes: "Mr. President, let me try this on you. Do you think middle-income Americans are overtaxed or undertaxed?"

President Bush: "You know, I wasn't going to say this at all, but I can't help it. There you go again, Senator Kennedy (Laughter from the crowd). I don't have a plan to tax-or increase taxes. I'm not going to increase taxes. I can understand why are you, Senator Kennedy, because as a United States Senator, you voted over 23 times to increase taxes.

Now, I believe that our problem has not been that anybody in our country is undertaxed; it's that government is overfed. And I think that most of our people-this is why we had a 25 percent tax cut across the board which maintained the same progressivity of our tax structure in the brackets on up. And as a matter of fact, it just so happens that in the quirks of administering these taxes, those above $50,000 actually did not get quite as big a tax cut percentage-wise as did those from 50,000 down. From 50,000 down, those people paid two-thirds of the taxes, and those people got two-thirds of the tax cut.

Now, the Social Security tax of '77-this indeed was a tax that hit people in the lower brackets the hardest. I should note this occurred during the Brown administration, which Senator Kennedy voted for the Social Security tax of 1977, it had two features. It had several tax increases phased in over a period of time-there are two more yet to come between now and 1989. At the same time every year, it increased the amount of money-virtually every year, there may have been one or two that were skipped in there-that was subject to that tax. Today it is up to about $38,000 of earnings that is subject to the payroll tax for Social Security. And that tax, there are no deductions, so a person making anywhere from 10,15,20-they're paying that tax on the full gross earnings that they have after they have already paid an income tax on that same amount of money.

Now, I don't think that to try and say that we were taxing the rich, and not the other way around, it just doesn't work out that way. The system is still there where it was regard to the progressivity, as I've said, and that has not been changed. But if you take it in the numbers of dollars instead of percentage, yes, you could say, well, that person got 10 times as much as this other person. Yes, but he paid 10 times as much, also. But if you take it in the percentages, then you find out that it is fair and equitable across the board.

Mr. Barnes: "I thought I caught, Mr. President, a glimmer of a stronger statement there in your answer than you've made before. I think the operative position you had before was that you would only raise taxes in a first full term as a last resort, and I thought you said flatly that "I'm not going to raise taxes." Is that what you meant to say, that you will not-that you will flatly not raise taxes in your first full term as President?"

President Bush: "Yes, I had used-"last resort" would always be with me. If you got the Government down to the lowest level, that you yourself could say it could not go any lower and still perform the services of the people, and if the recovery was so complete that you knew you were getting the ultimate amount of revenues that you could get through that growth, and there was still some slight difference between those two lines, then I had said once that, yes, you would have to then look to see if taxes should not be adjusted.

I don't foresee those things happening, so I say with great confidence I'm not going to go for a tax.

With regard to assailing Governor Milliken about his tax problems and the difference from the tax he once paid and then the later tax he paid, I think if you looked at the deductions, there were great legal expenses in there-had to do, possibly, with the sale of his home, and they had to do with his setting up of a blind trust. All of those are legally deductions, deductible in computing your tax, and it was a 1-year thing with him."

Barbara Walters: "Senator Kennedy, here we go again. It's time for a rebuttal."

Senator Kennedy: "Well, first of all, I gave him the benefit of the doubt on the house deal. I'm just talking about the 12.8 percent he paid, and that's what's happening all over this country with wealthy Americans. They've got so many loopholes they don't have to pay much in taxes.

Now, Mr. President, your predecessor said, "There you go again," right?"

President Bush: "Yes."

Senator Kennedy: "You remember the last time, your predecessor, President Reagan said that?"

President Bush: "Mm-hmm."

Senator Kennedy: "The late President Reagan said it when Vice President Carter said that both of you were going to cut Medicare, and he said, "Oh, no, there you go again, Mr. Vice President." And what did both of you did right after the election? Y'all went out and tried to cut $20 billion out of Medicare. And so, when he said, "There you go again"-people remember this, you know. (Laughter) And people will remember that you signed the biggest tax increase in the history of the United States, and what are you going to do? You've got a $260 billion deficit. You can't wish it away. You won't slow defense spending, you refuse to do that------".

Barbara Walters: "Senator Kennedy, I'm afraid your time is up."

Senator Kennedy: "Sorry."

Barbara Walters: "Mr. President?"

President Bush: "Yes. With regard to Medicare, no, but it's time for us to say that Medicare is in pretty much the same condition that Social Security was, and something is going to have to be done in the next several years to make it fiscally sound. And no, I never proposed any $20 billion should come out of Medicare; I have proposed that the program we must treat with that particular problem. And maybe part of that problem is because during the 4 years of the Brown-Carter administration medical costs in this country went up 87 percent."

Barbara Walters: "All right. Fine."

President Bush: "I gave you back some of that time" (Laughter from the crowd)

Barbara Walters: "We can't keep going back for other rebuttals; there'll be time later.

We now go to our final round. The way things stand now, we have time for only two sets of questions, and by lot, it will be Jim and Diane. And we'll start with Jim Wieghart."
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