What If? The Terran Federation and the UFP meet and it goes badly


Cold War Veteran
In this scenario a stable Wormhole is found in the Beta Quadrant. After studying the wormhole for a month Starfleet sends an Intrepid class ship through to explore the other side. They soon find out that the Wormhole exit point is in the Jovian System. And they make contact with a Terran Navy ship. The Captain of the Intrepid is a Saurian and his XO is a Benzite. Words are exchanged and the Captain of the Terran ship orders them to leave the Sol System. The Starfleet ship complies and returns through the wormhole.

A week later a Terran Ship is sent through the wormhole to find out how close this UFP is to their space. The find that the system that contains the opposite end of the wormhole also has a Federation Colony world. Due to this being just after the Dominion War Orbital defenses around that world open fire by accident on the Terran ship crippling the ship causing them to withdraw back through the wormhole. What happens from this point forward. How does the Terran Federation react to all that has transpired? What will the Federation do because to the mistaken firing by the Colony Defense system?

Special Note: This is the Terran Federation from the Starship Troopers Movie not the Book. The Federation is circa 2380 and is still on a War Footing. The Bugs can't go through the Wormhole because the energy in it scrambles their brains turning them into braindead creatures.
All the movies including the animated ones and live action ones, or just the live action or just the animated ones?
What info have we on the capabilities of their ships?
They're fast, really, really, really, really fucking fast.

They can cross what is effectively the entire galaxy in under a week/month/year depending on your estimates. Either of the three interpretations makes them stupidly fast regardless of which you take really.

That's about it though lol. The ships invading Klendathu have some turrets on their hull, but they're never used for planetary strikes - they instead rely on aerospace fighters to do that work - or to try and intercept large asteroids. So I assume they're probably for vaporising small pieces of space debris that might strike sensitive equipment jutting from the ships hull.

In the animated films, there are some actual warships shown off, as well as space defences. Wiki says they fire lasers, I say they fire some form of charged particle beam, because those are clearly not even close to what a laser looks like.

Their big warships have a few top mounted turrets, and a large battery of prow mounted guns. The small fast attack ships have top mounted turrets. They seem to be unable to hit the broadside of a barn, the damage they do doesn't seem to be particularly impressive either. At one point, the smaller ship takes two direct hits to it's engine struts, from the front battery of the big warship, and it does dick and all to it.

The UFP is going to absolutely molest the Terran Federations warships into submission. Even going by lower end stuff, they outrange them significantly, their guns appear to just be better. They have shields to make every hit except a killing blow largely not relevant, and in exchange could probably pin point reactors, command decks, and weapons control points with sensors, then bore clean through them with phasers/photon torps.

From the showing in the animated films, I'd say something like the Yeager class could go like 3-1 against Terran ships. From the films only? You could built a fleet of Danube Class ships and let academy students run fleet battles as a training excercise to wipe out their military.

The biggest danger would probably be if the Terrans government collapsed, their FTL tech got out, and they traded for better ships. Because with their ideology, government and citizenry, they'd be more than happy to gore unaligned alien worlds for resources, slaves, and technology.

EDIT: Okay, so there's a Starship Troopers TTRPG set in the film universe, I was hoping there was information on the warships weapons there that might be enlightening. There is, but not in a way that helps the Terran Federation. But it does explain things.

Pilots - of fucking warships! - need only 20 hours in a simulator to take a pilots exam. Which would probably be why every pilot we see in the films is literally incompetent. The warships we see in the film are also unarmed because they were refitted to be so, as the one we see (Rodger Young) is said in the TTRPG to be a refitted Command and Control vessel. That's a retarded decision to be sure, but justifiable if the rest of the fleet is armed. Their warships according to the book carry 'cannons', which I'll take to mean the above seen particle beam weapons, and fusion tipped nuclear warheads.

Fighters carry a mass of railgun mounted nose guns, HEAT missiles (why? The bugs aren't armoured enough to resist shrapnel, let alone anti-tank weapons.) and can be refitted to replace the HEAT missiles, with dumbfire carpet bombs. The book does mention the skinnies as well - which are maurauder canon but meh - and says that they have around a dozen defence satellites that are able to hold off the entire Federation fleet. Because their energy weapons can literally gut a ship from prow to stern in one shot; and their ships take around a 5-1 ratio of dedicated warships to transport shuttles. So yeah.

Also, it says that the Terran Federation has only 25 colonies, and all are within 11 light years of Earth in a sphere. It also includes something that directly contradicts the films, as it says that the top speed that can be continuously maintained by a warship is 3 parsecs a day. Which is faster than pretty much any other federation ships cruising speed at about warp 9.9, it is also fucky; since warships can be slowed down by realspace gravity disturbances, and dragged out of superluminal speeds by going 'near' (whatever that means in space) solar systems.

I would also like to add this, this is a tactic that the fleet uses to support ground troops:
Rain of Fire: The codename given to Mobile Infantry
troopers capsule dropping from starships in orbit over a
target world, the rain of fire is so abrupt that few enemy
forces have a chance to intercept it or prepare themselves
for the rapid deployment it represents. A rain of fi re
usually covers a wide area in and around a drop zone,
allowing troopers to surround an objective in a very
short amount of time.
If you call for an airstrike, they'll just throw dudes out the fucking airlock at you. Hilarious.
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About the only place where the Feds would lose, would be the ground combat. If the Terrans get troops on the ground against essentially any Trek power, they're going to absolutely gore them. Even during the Early bug war, the average fireteam of MI guys carried 2-4 nuclear bombs for dealing with hard targets. Phasers are going to ignore the combat vests that the early war MI bring with them; but there's really no way to not die, when every 10th guy attacking your position goes 'lol' and tosses a kiloton payload at you.

By the mid bug war - animated films - each MI was wearing PA that could drop from high altitude without issue, and in a team of five men, carried four nuclear bombs, a cluster airburst system that can absolutely shower a huge area with shrapnel, and a variety of mission specific missiles that can take the place of one or two of the nukes they carry. These range from nerve gas and smoke canisters, to a missile bus that can independently target 10-20 individuals. the rest carry what looked like a mix of mortars, and direct fire large bore guns. That's all on top of grenades, anti material rifles, and standard issue rifles that seem to firing at least fifty cal on automatic, probably bigger and faster because of more advanced charges; and thrusters capable of a good half a minute self propelled flight.

An example of this:

Those untrained retards were carrying enough firepower to turn a city into a glass floor.

A skilled user, like Rico, was able to hold a fighting retreat, against a massed bug swarm, walk off artillery barrages, and acts as both his own suppressing fireteam, and mortar team using the rotary gun, and multi-grenade launcher of his suit.

But Rico is a grade A GigaC H A D and as such is not the average grunt. Watching that video did give me testosterone poisoning however. So I must now go and die.

They also have space to surface capable power armour, that carries all the above stuff, but with significantly larger amounts of ammunition, and offers greater environmental protection.

If the Federation doesn't break the Terran Federation pretty much immediately, there's very little to stop them from absolutely ravaging less developed worlds, or smaller independent powers for better technology. They'd probably have no issue landing covertly in one of their shuttlecraft, dropping off 20-30 MI and attending Fleet Con Psy officers, nerve gassing the entire city, looting any databases and technology there, and glassing the entire area with nuclear bombs to try and cover their tracks.

Also their psychics can fuck you over interstellar distances IIRC. Rico was getting Psy blasted by Carl - who weirdly chose to appear as a barely dressed sexy blonde and flirt with his friend - from Earth, while on Mars.
War might not necessarily happen. The Terran Federation, already has two fronts to deal with, the bugs, and the Skinnies. If the Federation apologizes for the mistaken attack, which they probably would. War would be avoided. Things would be frosty of course, but maybe no actual fighting.
War might not necessarily happen. The Terran Federation, already has two fronts to deal with, the bugs, and the Skinnies. If the Federation apologizes for the mistaken attack, which they probably would. War would be avoided. Things would be frosty of course, but maybe no actual fighting.
Plus, I could see the Terrans lending out their troops as mercenaries. They do also have a very large industrial base, and a solid work ethic and scientifically curious society. They're not going to be a peer power anytime soon, but they could definitely get enough of a tech boost to make an invasion by someone like the Cardassians incredibly costly and vicious for them. Like a hedgehog covered in nuclear waste.

When Mars was going to be taken, Rico literally orders them to start sabotaging the terraformers as both a 'fuck you' spiteful action, and as a way to burn out a bug infestation when it goes nuclear. The Terrans are a remarkably spiteful and vicious people. They really don't mind doing heroic last stands.
Since we have no decent calcs about SST ship strength or capabilities this is a tough question.
They obviously lack man portable energy weapons and I don't recall seeing their ships utilize shielding, they also lack transporters and replicators.

And while SST is considered a prime example of, plot induced, incompetence I can say the same for the Trek federation.
The siege of whatsits episode of DS9 proved that their so called marines are inferior to even early SST Movie mobile infantry, and I am pretty sure that if given the chance the SST federation will find all sorts of novel uses for Trek tech.
The most logical approach would be to interdict the Trek forces' ability to reach the SST verse IMHO, then the two Federations can play the stare the other angrily across the minefields game.
Frankly I think that the SST feds will prefer to do business with the Klingons and the Ferengi than with the snooty, stick up the ass Trekfeds.

I can imagine the Klingons looking at the standard training for MI as well as the SST Federation's social structure and going "lol, the humans can build a proper society."
What happens from this point forward. How does the Terran Federation react to all that has transpired? What will the Federation do because to the mistaken firing by the Colony Defense system?

Probably not much, it'd be a bunch of diplomatic back and forth stuff and apologies, but nothing too difficult to sort out. The Feds managed to sort out that mess in Conundrum where the Enterprise got mind controlled and blew up a bunch of someone's ships and almost nuked thier military command center out of existence, compared to that this is nothing.

I wonder how long it will take before the Ferengi come a knocking?

Their are a lot of problems with the ferengi selling weapons or tech to the Terran Federation, aside from msin issue that they're ferengi so whatever they sell will be of dubious quality at best.

1. The ferengi almost certainly cannot sell at the sort of volume the federation would need to modernize its fleet. Most ferengi are traders, not manufacturers. They buy and sell goods, rather than selling thier own production.

2. The Federation has no latinum or or trade goods of high value, so whatever they're trading is almost certainly going to be at unfavorable terms, unless they trade thier FTL tech, which they probably won't as that's their one decisive edge.

3. Trading advanced weapons to the Terran Federation will almost certainly tick anyone that's opposed to or fighting the federation, who is in far better position to retaliate against the ferengi. Probably not actually a war, but there's all sorts of economic pressures they can use.
Shame this isn't around the time of the Dominion War, even film MI would do better in ground combat than Starfleet.

As mentioned there's little knowledge about the weapons yield but we know they don't use shields or much in the way of heavy armour plating on the ships we've seen, although the majority of them are the Corvette Transports and we've seen the thickness of their hulls when the Rodger Young was cut in half.

Even so once the TF realises they are outgunned, outmanned and with a massive tech deficit, they'll pull back any chance of a war and might even be willing to accept the apologies. However i doubt they will be allies at all, the social and political mentality of both is too different and will have members of their congress and senate veto any chance of a long term treaty.
An accident is an accident. The Terran Federation would be foolish to enter a third war against an unknown opponent in a strange galaxy while still having two others ongoing and I can't see the United Federation of Planets being the aggressors. So apologies are likely accepted because the UFP will offer them sincerely.

Despite the live action Starship Troopers being described as the anti-Star Trek or the exactly opposite of the United Federation of Planets despite also having a 'utopian future' I actually do think they two polities could get along. The Terran Federation might be kneejerk xenophobic but it is against giant omnicidal and inhuman bug hordes. The first movie even seemed to imply that while they were extremely martial and militarized, as a government they weren't apparently expansionistic and perfectly willing to quarantine a yuga swath of the Galaxy for bugs though apparently some outlying sects refused to listen to that advice and got NOMMED. (This is of course assuming that we don't follow the theory that the Terran Federation instigated the strike on Buenos Aires themselves in a sort of false flag).

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